Stories by Patrick St. Michel

Patrick St. Michel,

Today I found out where I’ll be living in Japan, an announcement that relieved my fear of ending up living ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Before today, I didn’t know what a jerboa was. But after visiting Gawker (errrr, Defamer? I usually only visit Deadspin, ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Oh, I love episodes like “Social Studies,” because they allow me to simply say you should just watch the darn ...

Patrick St. Michel,

First off, I have to thank Dan Camponovo for stepping in for me last night. And he did a great ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Instead of doing boring activities like go to class or starting my paper, I spent Thursday wandering around the Lakefill ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The key with this video is that no cats were hurt, even though they are getting bopped on the head ...

Patrick St. Michel,

We expect a lot from dogs — to be man’s best friend, to be adorable, to bark at whatever moving ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Greek’s recent foray into faux-lesbianism came to an end tonight when Rebecca, who has been grappling with whether she likes ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Inspired by The Daily Bunny (sent to me by Megan Friedman) and the fact I’ve been listening to the new ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I’ve been helping on updating the NU housing guide for most of the day (look for the updated version sometime ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Photo by Gilles Gonthier on Flickr licensed under Creative Commons No words, only chipmunks. Photo by Gilles Gonthier on Flickr ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Boy I’ve had an annoying day! I had to wake up extra early, traffic was terrible so I was late ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Some feline cuteness for those of you who went the days sans Chicago Cubs

Patrick St. Michel,

The good, the bad, the ugly: a quick run-down of this week's episode of Greek

Patrick St. Michel,

The first time I saw the “Bring MIKE POSNER to Dillo Day!!!! (please)” Facebook event, I assumed Posner was just ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Don’t let that headline fool you — no pandas were actually harmed in any of these videos. At least I ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Cute Animal Blog’s official Twitter hit the big time this weekend — we logged our 1000th follower! Watch out Real ...

Patrick St. Michel,

After four difficult years at Northwestern, this writer is taking a different path.

Patrick St. Michel,

Mother’s Day is this Sunday (don’t forget to call your mom, yo) and to celebrate this lovely holiday, let’s watch ...

Patrick St. Michel,

With only 23 days left before the happiest day of the Northwestern year, Mayfest has been mum about which musical ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I mean really, these next few videos will leave you feeling good regardless of your position on the cat-dog debate. ...

Patrick St. Michel,

In this installment of “meet a cute animal you didn’t know existed,” we say salutations to the caviidae, better known ...

Patrick St. Michel,

It has been a long time since Greek had an episode overflowing with twists and turns like “Dearly Beloved.” Let’s ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I have no midterms, no papers and no pressing assignments. And yet, I’m completely exhausted and just want to pass ...

Patrick St. Michel,

YouTube has given us plenty of great cute animal-themed songs, from the “Nom Nom Nom Song” to the eternal “Hamster ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Photo by foxxyz on Flickr under Creative Commons. Bird skateboarding is apparently a very active sub-culture. There is an entire ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The first round of the NBA Playoffs is almost over, and you know what that means … only another month ...

Patrick St. Michel,

My favorite animal finds on YouTube always end up being the profiles devoted to an entire animal. Tonight, I found ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Terrible confession time: I tend to watch Greek in a public location, on the Northwestern campus no less. I also ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Last time we checked in on this Japanese cat, he was wandering around with a box on his head. A ...

Patrick St. Michel,

By now, you’ve probably seen the minor Internet video hit that is a slow loris (I was originally told it ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I’m struggling to come up with a good introduction for this skunk-themed post — I’ve already tackled the classic “skunks ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The headline says it all.

Patrick St. Michel,

Apologies for this being late. I only was able to catch a few scenes of Greek this week. But instead ...

Patrick St. Michel,

It seems far too early in the quarter for midterms. But I have one tomorrow, and I’m sure they are ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Photo courtesy of lovz2boost on Flickr under Creative Commons Tomorrow isn’t just another boring Tuesday – it’s also Free Cone ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Though I love most modern technology (check out our Twitter, by the way), I still get terrified at the thought ...

Patrick St. Michel,

In this week's Invasion of Privacy, we stopped by Unicorn Cafe and asked people for the last text message they received.

Patrick St. Michel,

It’s a crazy time at Northwestern right now. People actually sort of care about the ASG presidental runoff! It’s getting ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Clarification appended One round of ASG voting just wasn’t enough, apparently. Bill Pulte and Mike McGee ran closely enough to ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I thought the world’s orangutan population was doing just peachy, but turns out I don’t know anything. According to this ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Before tonight, I had no idea what a guanaco was. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, however, I now ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Is Fisher, one of the newest characters to enter the Greek-verse, also the worst? Played by Andrew J. West, Fisher ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Great news from the world of journalism today – the Chicago Tribune is cutting 20 percent of its newsroom staff. ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Last Thursday, I said we wouldn’t devote an entire post to rabbits just because Easter was on the horizon. Well, ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The obvious animal to feature in tonight’s post would be the rabbit. With Easter only days away and a bag ...

Patrick St. Michel,

After the sad news out of Memphis yesterday, let’s have some positive zoo news. The Cincinnati Zoo has a new ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Bad news out of Memphis, where Ya Ya the giant panda isn’t actually pregnant. To try and ignore this unfortunate ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Well, Jesse McCartney isn’t just a new actor on Greek; he’s now one of the dominant story lines for this ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I was all ready to just absolutely hate this week, what with the fact it actually snowed (in April, I ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Learn more about the hip-hop group slated to perform on Dillo Day.

Patrick St. Michel,

A friend today told me to make tonight’s post about raccoons because “people should get to know the animals on ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Ever feel like you just can’t be good at something? Ever have a dream, but realize that it may be ...

Patrick St. Michel,

We don’t feature nearly enough birds on this blog and slow motion is pretty sweet (I could watch this video ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The long, cold, sad winter is finally over, and you know what that means: Greek is back! Last season ended ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Sure, it’s a new quarter, but that won’t stop me from posting a Cute Animal Blog staple — cats with ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Ahhhhh, another quarter has come and gone. This is the last Cute Animal Post for a bit (though you can ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Watch the epic (and adorable) battle between a tortise and its tomato.

Patrick St. Michel,

This video has been getting a lot of YouTube play in the past month, and if you haven’t seen it, ...

Patrick St. Michel,

You know when you have a really bad Monday and you feel really bad at the end of the day? ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I’m going to be honest – I have a lot of work to do tonight, so I’m not putting tons ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Most advertising is beyond terrible, so when an ad actually grabs my attention and makes me not want to destroy ...

Patrick St. Michel,

And the debate is over. The First Family has decided to get a Portuguese Water Dog. Sorry goldendoodle, your time ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Popular Science explains why-- scientifically-- we go "awww" at cute animals

Patrick St. Michel,

Know what’s great to do, Northwestern? Share! Sharing is fun, whether it be sharing snacks, hugs, classes you should take ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I originally wanted to come up with some sort of Oscar-themed post, but decided the only way I could pull ...

Patrick St. Michel,

This cat is really fascinated by this Macintosh computer. Or maybe it just really frustrates him. That’s how I feel ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Hey, the temperature went and plummeted! And it’s snowing. I thought we might have escaped the wrath of winter and ...

Patrick St. Michel,

This video reminds me of a fantasy a bunch of my friends had back in freshman year of college — ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Photo by Amy Weiss, courtesy of Danny Fleishman. It seems, to me at least, that most Northwestern students keep personal ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Tonight, I’ve decided to spotlight the yellow Lab. Why, you ask? I don’t know. Someone suggested it, and I’m going ...

Patrick St. Michel,

By the time you’ve started reading this, Northwestern’s men’s basketball team will probably have either stepped a tiny bit closer ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Everything seems to be going reasonably well at the moment for Northwestern. Students can expect a new Apple store in ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I’m drawing a blank on what else to say about this video of two foxes jumping on a trampoline. Maybe ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Our staff reviews 100 chocolates you can buy in Evanston.

Patrick St. Michel,

Valentine’s Day is coming! People with love in their life, rejoice! Everyone else, try not to be too depressed. Since ...

Patrick St. Michel,

This deer had quite the dramatic birth, but seems to have turned out fine, and especially cute. Just look at ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I realize we haven’t featured many “exotic” animals on here recently (the orangutan was pretty far-out), but would an emu ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Midway through midterm week, and I’m guessing most Northwestern students who just haven’t given up on studying are feeling the ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Really, if that headline doesn’t make your heart fuzz up, you are probably a monster.

Patrick St. Michel,

A look over at tells me I shouldn’t care much about what Punxsutawney Phil has to predict regarding more ...

Patrick St. Michel,

If you read through NBN’s liveblog of the Super Bowl commercials, one of our biggest complaints was the missing Miller ...

Patrick St. Michel,

It’s Super Bowl Sunday, so forgive me if I can’t come up with some in-depth story about pandas riding bikes ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Instant analysis of all of the big game's commercials.

Patrick St. Michel,

You might have heard of this little thing called the Super Bowl, happening this Sunday. But whatever, Animal Planet is ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The Cardinals couldn't win, could they?

Patrick St. Michel,

Have you seen The Wrestler? If you have, I think the story behind this animal echoes that Mickey Rourke film, ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Remember puppy cam? The world went wild for a bunch of Shiba Inu dogs and their adorable antics captured live ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The other day, I had a brief conversation with someone regarding the cuteness of sloths. They said a creature so ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Here’s a great reminder that sometimes, we can put our differences aside (in this situation, the fact that one of ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The title says it all, and I’m feeling too sick to come up with something clever to add on to ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I have no witty way of introducing this video of a baby squirrel drinking milk besides the tired-and-true “squirrels live ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Though the identity crisis this young goat faces later in life makes this clip a little less adorable, we can ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Disclaimer: NBN is not responsible for any money, cars or significant others lost in wagers made using our picks.

Patrick St. Michel,

Burger King’s latest attempt at “edgy” advertising, the “Whopper Sacrifice” Facebook application, which rewarded you a coupon for a free ...

Patrick St. Michel,

My computer tells me the current temperature outside is negative nine degrees. I feel operating a university in these conditions ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Feeling blue? Life at Northwestern got you down? Just turning blue because of the sub-zero temperatures? Well, here is some ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Check out this video of friends making popcorn with their cellphones. Pretty crazy, right? These videos have apparently been online ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Cats interacting with inanimate objects — they’re staples here at Cute Animal Blog. And tonight, that’s all you get! Blame ...

Patrick St. Michel,

So, don’t know if you missed it (hope you did), but the NFL Divisional Playoffs went down this weekend, and ...

Patrick St. Michel,

It’s one thing to film your pet doing stuff and put it up on YouTube. It’s an entirely different thing ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The next few days should be trying times for a large chunk of the Northwestern population, and that’s not even ...

Patrick St. Michel,

One writer predicts the winners in this weekend's NFL playoffs.

Patrick St. Michel,

Those wacky Brits are at it again. England has a squirrel problem according to The New York Times (including some ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Northwestern has produced a lot of talented musical artists. Andrew Bird, Rachael Yamagata, Steve Albini, the list goes on. Dem ...

Patrick St. Michel,

A comparison of big 'ol Northwestern and Chipotle-barren Williams.

Patrick St. Michel,

We’re only two days into the new quarter, but I think the strain of classes is already hitting folks around ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Much to everyone’s dismay, winter quarter has begun here at NU. I don’t need to tell you why the next ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Northwestern fans tailgated outside of the Alamodome in San Antonio hours before the Wildcats were to face Missouri in the Alamo Bowl.

Patrick St. Michel,

One of NU's top sports blogs, Lake the Posts, breaks down the game.

Patrick St. Michel,

Football coach Pat Fitzgerald spoke at the final pre-bowl press conference.

Patrick St. Michel,

An NU routine set to "Eye of The Tiger" accidentally got Missouri fans on their feet too.

Patrick St. Michel,

You'll have to cross through Missouri, but there are neat sites to check out.

Patrick St. Michel,

This blog has written (quite mentally, in retrospect) about Tama, the stationmaster cat, before. For those new to the party, ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Let’s get straight to tonight’s video: an adorable monkey eating an apple slice. Shout out to Cute Overload for posting ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Some of YouTube's greatest videos are being shot in dorm next door.

Patrick St. Michel,

By now, you’ve surely seen the Shiba Inu puppy cam. If you’ve missed this webcam footage of puppies mostly sleeping ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Hey, the King of Pop is back in the news! To celebrate, here is a video of a bird doing ...

Patrick St. Michel,

To honor my current state of mind (so tired), here are a few videos of animals dozing off or already ...

Patrick St. Michel,

It took me a good five-minutes to remember the difference between a manicure and a pedicure after seeing this video ...

Patrick St. Michel,

This weekend the Northwestern football team plays its most important game of the year. This late in the season, every ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Though I pride myself on “knowing a lot about music,” I’m ashamed to admit I have no real idea what ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I don’t want to pass judgement on any animals, but something must be up with this cat if he always ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Northwestern, I sense some general grumpiness drifting out of Evanston, and I don’t like it. Maybe it’s because winter has ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The Taronga Zoo in Sydney has a new addition to their family, and the little guy is a lot cuter ...

Patrick St. Michel,

So many great pieces of animal media, so little time. Since I can’t come up with a better theme (I’ll ...

Patrick St. Michel,

First off, sorry for the lack of a post yesterday, but for once the biggest thrill of my night wasn’t ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The NBA – where terror happens. The Houston Rockets, in an effort to traumatize their fan base, went all Candid ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The record store was an interesting place to explore, but the magic soon faded.

Patrick St. Michel,

The folks over at PETA are at it again! The group, best known for turning the extremely noble cause of ...

Patrick St. Michel,

This goat knows what Halloween is all about. It’s not about getting a bag load of fun sized Snickers or ...

Patrick St. Michel,

To keep up with the two big events happening in the coming week, feel free to interpret these videos of ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Note: Seeing as this was the season finale of Greek, it would only be natural for a blog about Greek ...

Patrick St. Michel,

And the clear winner for heartwarming video of the day goes to this news report. Cutest shot comes at the ...

Patrick St. Michel,

My favorite holiday is only a few calendar pages away and, even though I won’t be trick-or-treating this year, I’m ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I want this upcoming week to fly by. Not because I want the taste of yesterday’s humiliating loss to Indiana ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Finally, someone found an awesome use for all those extra Segways nobody wanted to buy. Courtesy of the only venue ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The other day NBN ran an interview with Erica Hart, the president of Studio 22, about a film she was ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Greek flirted with a seldom seen topic in this week’s episode. No, not classes…they still don’t go to those. I’m ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The headline really says it all. Courtesy of Funny Or Die comes this short clip of once-uncute celebrity Natalie Portman ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I realize cats have dominated this space recently, but the feline species just keeps delivering hit after hit. Today, we ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Northwestern’s football team pulled off something big yesterday — by slappin’ up Purdue, the ‘Cats now have enough wins to ...

Patrick St. Michel,

It’s homecoming weekend, the time of year a bunch of alumni return to campus in order to eat food and ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The NBN blog system works in very strange ways. I finished up my latest Greek post last night and sent ...

Patrick St. Michel,

WARNING: HUGE SPOILERS AHEAD. TURN BACK IF YOU DON’T WANT TO KNOW. It’s that time in the Greek season where ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Some animals don’t need lengthy introductions. Baby sloths, in all their slow-mo beauty, are one such creature. And heck, how ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Children’s book legend and wearer-of-awesome-hats Paddington Bear turns 50 years old today, and I’d be remiss to not celebrate one ...

Patrick St. Michel,

‘Twas not a good weekend for Northwestern. But let’s not dwell on how our school lost all potential respect once ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I wrote (very briefly) about Japanese monkey waiters last year. Nobody commented, nobody cared. They went on their merry way, ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The economic situation in America looks pretty bad at the moment, but remember that everything could be worse. No, seriously. ...

Patrick St. Michel,

In the most lopsided dilemma I’ve ever faced, I had to choose between watching the second presidential debate and tonight’s ...

Patrick St. Michel,

For all you souls smart enough to not be following the MLB playoffs (or who gave up after the Cubs ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The eloquently titled “pin ball kittys to cute” would qualify as adorable based on the raw footage of cats playing ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Back in May, the world caught its first glimpse of Disney’s latest tour de force Beverly Hills Chihuahua, a film ...

Patrick St. Michel,

There are myriad reasons to hate Sarah Palin. Just search her name on YouTube and you’ll find enough videos to ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I can’t criticize (too much) someone who devotes an entire two minutes of YouTube time to a video of parakeet, ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I realize people don’t need a good reason for watching a TV show. Two and a Half Men is still ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Two facts about the below video: 1. The hamster featured in this short clip sure is cute. Is there any ...

Patrick St. Michel,

If you have 13 seconds to spare in your busy life, watch this video of a cat interacting with a ...

Patrick St. Michel,

In case you’ve been too busy figuring out how to look hot while playing Rock Band, the world is pretty ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I didn’t know the National Geographic Channel boasted a show called DogTown that’s not actually about skateboard decks. But, apparently, ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Since tonight’s episode of Greek gave me zero ideas for a lead-in feature and the most important election since “what ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I see by the sea of Facebook status updates that the first day of classes caught a lot of people ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The fine folks at A&O Productions kept their superb college-concert streak strong, announcing today that America’s favorite sentimental dudes Death ...

Patrick St. Michel,

A friendly reminder: Even the cutest animals can have dangerous skills that humans shouldn’t meddle with. Brightly-colored frogs may look ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Northwestern hosts 0-3 powerhouse Ohio this Saturday at Ryan Field, and for many bright-eyed freshmen (and possibly some slow-to-learn upperclassmen) ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Northwestern’s campus doesn’t just contain students and the occassional Jew for Jesus. It also hides a fine variety of critters, ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The addition of nerdy-but-lovable Max to Greek has created some much-needed new plot directions for a show often bogged down ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Having any trouble choosing what classes you should take for the upcoming quarter? Well, stop comparing Intro to Sociology and ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Salutations freshmen! If you are reading this, you’ve probably finished settling into your room and shuttled mom and pop off ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Greek solidified a new running gag during tonight’s 21-themed episode. After only having the recurring jokes of “Ashleigh is dumb” ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The only thing missing from “Crush Landing” was a laugh track and a wacky neighbor. Greek rolled out enough sitcom ...

Patrick St. Michel,

After taking a few big steps forward last season toward becoming a consistently good TV series, ABC Family’s flagship show ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Beneath all the relationship drama, bad puns and Casie-Cappie stuff, the season finale of Greek touched on the very theme ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I couldn’t watch Greek in my usual viewing location, so I had to watch it in my old dorm’s TV ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Dillo Day is officially done and the calendar turns to June. That means summer is definitely here (or at least ...

Patrick St. Michel,

They show a more complex president than you think.

Patrick St. Michel,

Sometimes, cute animals are flawed. And then you have Skeeter the Narcoleptic Poodle, one adorable doggy who also falls asleep ...

Patrick St. Michel,

A new video has hit the web featuring Los Angeles Lakers superstar and NBA MVP Kobe Bryant dunking a basketball ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Northwestern’s favorite day of the year looms, and I’m sure you don’t need any help getting excited for NU’s most ...

Patrick St. Michel,

With the Stanley Cup Finals, NBA Playoffs, MLB regular season and Belmont Stakes going on, it’s a great time to ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Northwestern owes students a good education, not an amazing speaker.

Patrick St. Michel,

Still feeling down about the big graduation announcement? Try cheering yourself up by voting in Today’s puppy poll! Choose which ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Whether or not you like that Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley will be Northwestern’s commencement speaker this year, seniors have ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Puppies are cute, but waiting for them to grow up can take a really long time, and can also be ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The world of Greek contains plenty of references to the Internet, from shots of characters using instant messaging to people ...

Patrick St. Michel,

(And how does a moose make it on this list?)

Patrick St. Michel,

I’ll leave it to the music blog to critique this song, but the fresh-out-the-kitchen video for rock band Weezer’s new ...

Patrick St. Michel,

If you glance over the “Pets and Animals” page on YouTube right now, you’ll notice a lot of screenshots of ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Few musical outfits have the genre-jumping appeal of Chicago rap duo The Cool Kids. Their clever rhymes and retro beats ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Here’s an Internet milestone; FOX Broadcasting is creating a new TV series called Hole in the Wall based off the ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Hillary backers, just give it up already. Obama’s more or less wrapped up the nomination, barring a revelation he enjoys ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Being a junior-almost-senior, the prospect of having to actually find a job in the “real world” leaves me terrified. But, ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Yes, we should all try to be friends with each other and hold hands in a field of poppies singing ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Consider this the Gone With The Wind of hamster videos. At 8:25 long, this isn’t for those types of people ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I think there might be some sort of hidden commentary on society buried in this video. I just can’t find ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Like a good drug, this week’s episode of Greek made me drowsy at points, but ultimately served its purpose well ...

Patrick St. Michel,

This is a pretty simple-ish game to play if you get bored during the usually dull set of Monday classes. ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I don’t know how this baby hamster ended up on a piano in the first place, or why the person ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Back in the rootin’, tootin’ lawless early years of Facebook, tons of fictional characters maintained profiles on the social network ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Cute Animal Blog readers, I usually don’t ask for your help. I just throw a video of a red panda ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I once owned a parakeet. He was pretty rad. I miss my parakeet sometimes. Here are two parakeets being cool.

Patrick St. Michel,

So, one of the most evil people in recorded history is now an Internet phenom. The trend, as the Wired ...

Patrick St. Michel,

There I was, just sifting through YouTube videos when I stumbled upon a video of a dog holding a press ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Why getting stuff named after you isn't all that great.

Patrick St. Michel,

Only in Japan can a monkey work in a bar getting people drinks. I’m also going to go out on ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Jumping off a recent post where I emphasized how terrible John McCain is, this blog emerges. Titled “Things younger than ...

Patrick St. Michel,

OK, we already bashed Chicago Cubs fans and their inability to make decent music, so time to give them their ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Tuesday’s high is supposed to be 70 degrees and, barring typical Midwestern terribleness, the weather should be reaching a point ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Though not the strongest writing device around, one-off characters can add a special spice to a television show. Greek features ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Our brother in blogging Tech Express revealed a terrifying creature last night by posting the trailer to a new Disney ...

Patrick St. Michel,

All weekend long, one question has weighed heavily on my mind: What breed of dog is featured in the video ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Now, I don’t think anyone should be ranking mothers on any scale today (we are supposed to celebrate how awesome ...

Patrick St. Michel,

OK, the last time I tried highlighting a video where a cat ran on a treadmill, the response was tepid. ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Remember how Northwestern launched a YouTube channel a few months ago? Well, if you feel bad not checking the page ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The film is like a kid on too much sugar: a high-energy mess.

Patrick St. Michel,

How I stumbled upon fickla01’s collection of ferret music videos, I’m not certain. What I do know is, someone in ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Don’t need much setup for this one. It’s just three videos (all courtesy of kerofer02 on YouTube) of cats playing ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Block Cinema screens Pee-Wee's Big Adventure this weekend.

Patrick St. Michel,

Kermit the Frog always seemed a little melancholy, especially when he sang “Rainbow Connection.” But the amphibious puppet never came ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Do you know that sense you get when something you’ve been following is finding its groove and becoming the best ...

Patrick St. Michel,

First off, big ups to the person featured in this video, because I would have melted into a cartoon fear ...

Patrick St. Michel,

About two weeks ago, the Northwestern Facebook network was blessed with Facebook Chat by the Patron Saint of Procrastination, Mark ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Meet the student-vampires of Dead City Productions.

Patrick St. Michel,

I think that the horse post below this one was a bit too heavy. Hey, how about a dog licking ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Just four teams are still playing, but they're all pretty darn good.

Patrick St. Michel,

First off, thanks to NBNer Dagny Salas for pointing this video out. Titled “The Empire Strikes Barack,” it’s a video ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Looks like Barbaro’s got some company in famous horse heaven. Eight Belles, a filly who finished second at this weekend’s ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Hundo the Fun Dolphin, born in Fall Quarter, died Sunday after his owner, Patrick St. Michel, euthanized him by deleting ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Photo by Charlie is here on Flickr. The musically themed fun continues on Cute Animal Blog, as today we present ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Unlike the seemingly always-available characters on Greek, I have classes to contend with during the week, which explains why this ...

Patrick St. Michel,

But Iron Man isn't brawling with Osama just yet.

Patrick St. Michel,

Let’s cut right to the chase — big props to my latest bookmarked Web site Ultra Kawaii (tagline: “so cute ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Being mysterious on Facebook is a mighty challenging task, given one of the main reasons for joining the college-social-networking-site-turned-worldwide-monster is ...

Patrick St. Michel,

This one is dedicated to all the people who don’t get any sleep and feel like collapsing during the middle ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Popular culture portrays the skunk as a scourge to humanity, a beast who lives only to spray stinky liquid on ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I don’t know much about the recentlly-finished drama The Wire. I saw a few episodes and thought it was good, ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Remember when England was funny? Like, with Benny Hill running around to wacky music, or this chestnut. Heck, anyone who ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Humans aren’t the only creatures who need a little mouth-on-mouth action every once in a while to feel alive. So ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Women's tennis knocks out lacrosse to top this week's power rankings.

Patrick St. Michel,

I feel for you, kitty! Sometimes I don’t want to get out of bed, let alone walk, let alone run ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Despite midnight runs to Midway and parking tickets.

Patrick St. Michel,

Last night, British rock group Foals performed in Chicago, and it was a pretty sweet show. Very sweet. Since I’m ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I know a lot of people who hate children, speaking ill of tots because they are loud and gross and ...

Patrick St. Michel,

It has been a while since I’ve found an Internet game capable of taking over my entire life (especially during ...

Patrick St. Michel,

You can come out of the underground tunnels now, the prospies are finally leaving campus to wrap themselves in a ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Folks, insanity comes in many forms. Some people start yelling uncontrollably when they lose their minds. Others begin hallucinating. The ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The mere fact that someone gathered so many cute cats onto a couch warrants a blog post by itself. But ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I usually laugh at stupid holidays focusing on nature, such as Arbor Day and Hug-A-Tree Day. But I can approach ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Champaign indie pop outfit Headlights will perform at Northwestern May 16 in the Louis Room of Norris University Center at ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Well, this must have sucked. Back in 1999, a man got stuck in an elevator for 41 hours. And a ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The flashback: a writing device that ties up loose ends less obviously than a chatty narrator but not as subtly ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Another long week coming up, another post featuring cute dogs to make the start a little less rough. This week’s ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Breaking a NCAA record for straight wins at home, lacrosse is NU's top sport.

Patrick St. Michel,

Though not considered as adorable as most fluffy creatures, pot-bellied pigs do exhibit a lovable charm all their own. Take ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Warning: If you don’t like seeing people get hurt, avert your eyes. Especially if you get squemish when a man ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I tried to think of a clever way to make today’s post 4/20 related, but failed to find anything of ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Dogs got all of the attention a few hours ago; it’s time for talented cats to curl up in the ...

Patrick St. Michel,

A two-part video series in repetitive cuteness. The videos below feature exactly what the title of this post promises: a ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Though not as big as “Don’t tase me, bro,” this animation of Charlie the Unicorn on YouTube has received pretty ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Sorry about not getting this recap up sooner, but homework and other demands forced me to miss Greek on Monday, ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Wow, the weather today ruled. I didn’t need a sweater for the first time in about four months, and walked ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Looks like our friend over at The Party Art really spoke to somebody with this article. Except on a much ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Do you think orangutans are cute? Look at these pictures, and weigh in on the question that has haunted me ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The levels of hell for a 15-minute celebrity vary greatly from level to tepid level. At the top, a failed ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Both NU squads continued their remarkable winning streaks.

Patrick St. Michel,

Lhaso Apso sounds mysterious, like some far-off, mist-covered temple in South America, or a dish at a Swedish restaurant. Nope, ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Thank your lucky stars I didn’t go with my original post idea, an exploration of my favorite new pleasure: Pitchfork ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The inner-workings of this fair Web site may pleasantly shock you. Yes, on one side of the room sit the ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I wanted to write about how college kids know so much about balancing education with fun that they probably don’t ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Few gigs are as cushy and cuddly as this one — getting to scour the Internet for pictures of adorable ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Note to broadcast journalists: Never, ever report the news like the lady in the clip linked below did. During a ...

Patrick St. Michel,

This video of a tiger splashing around in a very small body of water makes me want summer to come ...

Patrick St. Michel,

ASG elections are coming: Do you know who you are going to vote for? NBN introduced you to the presidential ...

Patrick St. Michel,

This seal doesn’t really do anything of note, except be utterly adorable and huggable. Just look at the little fellow! ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The student band has released its first full-length album.

Patrick St. Michel,

Rick Astley Rick Astley Rick Astley. I bet you are absolutely sick of hearing about him or the concept of ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Never underestimate the fighting ability of a pillow. This feline fellow forgets what a wallop this bedtime staple can pack, ...

Patrick St. Michel,

First off, congrats to the University of Kansas for capturing the NCAA Basketball Championship, beating out the choke-tastic Memphis Tigers ...

Patrick St. Michel,

No character on Greek gets overlooked more than Dale, Rusty’s extremely awkward and religious roommate. Whereas every other character in ...

Patrick St. Michel,

And Softball blanked Ohio State (twice!) for an undefeated week.

Patrick St. Michel,

Everyone wants to be famous. If Sanjaya could do it, anybody should be able to and, thanks to the advent ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I’m up oh so late once again, and am hoping I can catch a few “z’s” before my first quiz ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Facebook just became even more essential to your life. Yes, it’s true, Facebook hopes to roll out Facebook Chat, an ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The weather rocks now, and, barring some sort of disastrous drop in the temperature, I think it’s safe to say ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Northwestern alumnus Charlton Heston died Saturday in Los Angeles at the age of 84. Heston is best known for being ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Which of its four signature dogs tastes best?

Patrick St. Michel,

How important is communication? So important NU has an entire school devoted to it. But we can’t always talk to ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Continuing our parade of underexposed critters, today we have pics of Chinchillas on display. They may seem a bit mouse-like, ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Cute Animal Blog does a great job. Too great a job, it seems. After a long-stretch of cat and dog ...

Patrick St. Michel,

You have to give this drummer some credit for not being afraid to rock out even if he’s performing in ...

Patrick St. Michel,

This video of a dog going down a water slide again and again and again reminds me of summer, and ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The latest episode of Greek centered around two things: The Great Gatsby and personal relationships between the major characters. The ...

Patrick St. Michel,

This kitten just seems more adorable than most cats that end up on this blog. Maybe it’s the tiny ears, ...

Patrick St. Michel,

OK, so the thrill of April Fools’ day doesn’t really happen anymore, since everyone expects every website and organization in ...

Patrick St. Michel,

And the latest from NU athletics.

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I love when a new quarter begins and everyone at NU goes into the general mood of “I wish I ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The Internet can best be described as a sort of digital Wild West, where regulation barely exists and anybody can ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Welcome back to campus! Here’s a video of a big bear picking up a cub with her mouth!

Patrick St. Michel,

Find yourself bored these last few days of Spring Break? Or, for all you Obama supporters out there, sick of ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I should hate every detail of ABC Family’s college-centered drama series Greek. The program takes the “drama” of The O.C. ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The idea of a blog devoted to cute animals sounds really silly on paper, really stupid and immature and ditzy ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Still, Dance Marathon does more good than anything else at NU.

Patrick St. Michel,

The big, awesome weekend where NU kids open their hearts and wallets up for charity launches tomorrow night, and I ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Neat-o video courtesy of my altar, Cute Overload. This cat’s owner dangles myriad eyes, mouths and other facial features in ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Folks, tonight I bring you a picture of a panda. Why a panda? Why NOT a panda is the better ...

Patrick St. Michel,

No words, only kitten.

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Pretend you are a hip, young person who uses the Internet frequently. You love “surfing the web” and reading “blogs” ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Another weird coming together of vastly different fuzzballs today, a cute cat and hamster doing stuff together. And whimsical music! ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Step one: Create a quirky character for Will Ferrell to portray. Said character has a ridiculous name.

Patrick St. Michel,

Cute Animal Blog is taking a short little vacation to New York city to chillax, but to fill your weekend ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Piggybacking off of Tech Express’ post today about one way to improve a Garfield comic strip (the other, set it ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Maybe becasue it’s super late at night, but this cat is amazing. Like, adorable. Just listen to the mews. LISTEN ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Confused on what’s cool and what’s old news on the Internet nowadays? Still forwarding that “video with the two girls ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The people in this clip sound kinda creepy (who videotapes themselves howling? Different strokes, different folks), but Cuppy (the dog) ...

Patrick St. Michel,

And you thought the mouse took the cute crown. Courtesy of The Daily Puppy and NBNer Megan Friedman, an awesomely ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I was unaware of the below video, but apparently it had a pretty solid viral web life. Last night, on ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Plus, women's swimming and tennis are dominating.

Patrick St. Michel,

To celebrate Ratatouille’s win at the Oscars tonight, here is a picture of a mouse in a cup. Photo courtesy ...

Patrick St. Michel,

If you follow this blog, you may have noticed an overabundance of adorable animals from Japan/covered by the Japanese this ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Strange but awesome combo, for sure, but also endearing. In South Korea, a duck and a dog have become bros, ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Have you ever gotten into a serious conversation with someone about Facebook? Like, talked about how it has all this ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Sometimes, we need to stop gawking at Red Pandas and actually arm ourselves with knowledge to make the fuzzy world ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I’m a fan of musical skills, so props to these guys for turning two iPhones and a Nintendo DS system ...

Patrick St. Michel,

At Netplay, we freaked out about NU’s announcement of a Northwestern-centric YouTube channel yesterday. The possibilities for online gold, especially ...

Patrick St. Michel,

This seems to be a disturbing trend – whenever I have a midterm that I should (key word SHOULD) be ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Want to try something adventurous? Bored of Hinman? Just plain hate life? Why not eat one of these potentially life ...

Patrick St. Michel,

And Willie the Wildcat's off the list.

Patrick St. Michel,

Call up Mike Huckabee and tell him to tap immediately into this trend if he wants a shot at being ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Two categories of people who emerge on V-Day: either single-folks who bitterly put down the day, labeling it a commercial-driven ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Sometimes, I get so frustrated I need a cute animal to get rid of my negative feelings. Moments ago, I ...

This week: Our cooking sock puppet whips up some romance.

Patrick St. Michel,

The Westminster Dog Show concludes tonight and, as much as I love devoting copious hours of my life to watching ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I just…no words. I’ve seen a ton of funny videos on the internet, a bunch of great clips where groups ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Greetings from a boring class discussion. Thanks to the odd set-up of the room, I can look at videos like ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Coming from a desert containing mostly sand and dead rabbits, a treehouse remains one of my wildest dreams, to either ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Women's tennis is good, other sports are less so.

Patrick St. Michel,

Puppies don’t always have to be running around and biting things to be adorable. Take this pooch for example. He ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Because I don’t want to write an obnoxious film paper about vampires and becasue my weekend looks about as fun ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Had the New England Patriots actually stopped the force that is Eli Manning , Reebok would have aired this ad ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Surprise: Life goes on after college.

Patrick St. Michel,

I don’t consider myself an expert on bear-adorableness, but I’m going to declare right here, right now Panda Bears reign ...

Patrick St. Michel,

An advertisement for Northwestern has been making the e-mail and blog rounds recently, being touted as a “new” spot for ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Japanese television rocks. In America, a show where people watch a cat go to sleep in various containers would be ...

Patrick St. Michel,

You thought our Super Bowl coverage was suffocating, just wait until tonight! We here at NBN are well aware of ...

Patrick St. Michel,

An uplifting story out of China, where one of the country’s top optical surgeons performed surgery on a baby tiger ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I’m high on Super Bowl media right now, and as I slowly come to grips with the fact Eli Manning ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Three options on how to approach this post: 1. To New York Giant fans: Congratulations, your team just pulled off ...

Patrick St. Michel,

After a great showing against top-ranked Georgia Tech, women's tennis sits comfortably at the top of the list.

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It's only one of the biggest sports nights of the year.

Patrick St. Michel,

I’m overjoyed that the Cute Animal Blog now exists. It has been a long time coming, and provides a service ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Anyone who watches Sportscenter at an unhealthy level has seen the famed video of a monkey dressed as a cowboy ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I can never say no to these clips. A new game brought to you by the folks who did Human ...

Patrick St. Michel,

A very good collection of reasons as to why you shouldn’t like comedian/asshat Dane Cook. I only need one. The ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Animal Planet’s Puppy Bowl, the cute alternative to the Super Bowl that consists entirely of footage of puppies running around ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Society requires few things. Order, law, food, water, medical supplies, culture and cute animals. Today, NBN launches Cute Animal Blog, ...

Patrick St. Michel,

If only all education could be broadcast like this – learn all about astronomy, gravity and planetary pull in this ...

Patrick St. Michel,

To handle a record number of dancers, DM 2008 will have a second venue.

Patrick St. Michel,

I feel I write this post every quarter. Big midterm tomorrow, need to be studying, scouring YouTube for an entertaining ...

Patrick St. Michel,

You either hate Facebook applications or decorate your profile page with The Office quotes and cuddly animals. For all of ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Women's tennis continues its unbeaten season.

Patrick St. Michel,

Seriously, must I say more? It’s a bit bare right now, but give him some time and I’m sure he’ll ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Girl Talk's secret is a short attention span and a high-octane pace.

Patrick St. Michel,

Bloggers have feelings too, don’t you know. I’ve had a very rough week, starting Sunday with my beloved Packers blowing ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Northwestern dudes, click away. Courtesty of, here is your mental guide to douchebaggery, and why certain bros act like ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Every Medilldos favorite online magazine Slate has an article today about how Facebook is like famed Swedish furniture store Ikea. ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Back from a trip to the north, our writer brings you the latest highs and lows of your sporting 'Cats.

Patrick St. Michel,

The Internet offers up plenty of horrible, horrible pieces of media, but thanks to the Internet we also get a ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Big ups to Tech Express for their MacWorld coverage, but I know some folks don’t have time to scroll through ...

Patrick St. Michel,

One of my stranger tendencies, besides my fear of cell phones and my inability to be in the same room ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I, tragically, am not a fan of fine art, considering I don’t “get” most paintings and prefer most pictures in ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Oh happy day, Northwestern got a whole post devoted to them on my favorite sports blog Deadspin today. The topic? ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I love me some weird instruments (keytar, anyone?), but this tasty looking tool blows anything I’ve seen out of the ...

Patrick St. Michel,

In honor of the top-grossing film of the weekend, The Bucket List, here is a list of cool places to ...

Patrick St. Michel,

In this week's power rankings there is a new number one, a certain fuzzy cat redeemed himself and the bottom also sees a slight shake-up, though not in a good way.

Patrick St. Michel,

Bet you've never heard these gems before!

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I can’t wait for the Spider Solitaire adaptation.

Patrick St. Michel,

Anyone who tells you money can’t buy happiness is a big, poor idiot who lives off 49 cent cheeseburger Tuesday ...

Patrick St. Michel,

OK, lets get this out of the way right now. I do NOT endorse any sort of animal-on-animal violence. I ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The year's best in music.

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Your quick, friendly guide to what happened in NU sports last week.

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A fun flash game to get your mind off the first day of class.

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Another quarter comes to a close.

Patrick St. Michel,

Famed daredevil Evel Knievel died today at the age of 69. Knievel made daring feats cool and profitable, using his ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Commercialism ruins another artist. Tay Zonday, famous for this summer’s killer YouTube phenom “Chocolate Rain,” joins the ranks of the ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Self-esteem booster of the day – I’m not these people. Some fine folks at Vassar have assembled a Quidditch team. ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Great world record broken recently – most stuffed animals hurled onto a sheet of ice at once. The Portland Winter ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The big films of this year aren't without stupid scenes.

Patrick St. Michel,

Dorm rules state the hanging of Christmas lights are illegal, as the pretty bulbs could light your room ablaze. Sad ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Most people associate YTMND’s with annoying noises, stupid pictures and “DO A BARREL ROLL.” But the idiotic art form has ...

Patrick St. Michel,

For the entiriety of my NU career, I’ve spent Thanksgiving on campus, as flying back home just isn’t economical for ...

Patrick St. Michel,

A rather touching tribute by some random guy. In honor of Kanye West’s mother, this guy plays a bunch of ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Remember watching Transformers this summer and seeing a mysterious trailer before Optimus Prime started breaking stuff, maybe involving giant monsters ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Sports and video games exist in nearly opposite realms, one reserved for those with chiseled abs and bulging forearms, the ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Truth time – I just really like the title “NASCARGOT.” This video certainly doesn’t live up to its headline, but ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Blah blah blah, “Crank That” mash-ups. Yawn, heard all about it, even in the RedEye, where old trends go to ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Chang split his campus show between smirks and smarts, never letting the two intermingle.

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Despite being a misnomer, the Big Ten's not all bad.

Patrick St. Michel,

Now this is what the Internet is about! Very, very obscure and worthless statistics about cities all across the U.S.A. ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Superhero movie nerds rejoice! A new trailer for Iron Man is up online, and it looks pretty sweet. Well, if ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Internet advertising confounds me everytime I think about it – just look at the whole Cloverfield business. Still, this ad ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Know what rocks? 80’s rock music!!! Hell yeahhhhh! Just in time for the new Guitar Hero, here is a video ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Boston fans! Your teams have won the World Series! What are you going to do? Make an odd Mario parody ...

Patrick St. Michel,

When life, or more specifically, language midterms get me down, I turn to the one product featured on the Internet ...

Patrick St. Michel,

With Halloween a scant day away, we need more videos of spooky activities! Well…if you are scared of super awesome ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Scroll down a few posts, and you’ll stumble upon a clip where the Japanese dress penguins up in holiday garb, ...

Patrick St. Michel,

A look at some of the more bizarre moments in the history of an often predictable sport.

Patrick St. Michel,

Maybe I’m just being cynical, but Election 2008 is shaping up to be a really, really lame race. Hillary’s the ...

Patrick St. Michel,

If, like me, you recoil whenever you see an LOL Cat application embedded in a friend’s Facebook profile and wonder ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Penguins and Japan have an interesting relationship – as Netplay has previously discussed, the flightless birds seem super kind, going ...

Patrick St. Michel,

This may very well be the most important public service announcement you read all day. If not in your lifetime. ...

Patrick St. Michel,

MySpace turning into Facebook lol

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How to set water ablaze

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Ever feel lost? Let the Internet help you!

Patrick St. Michel,

A game where you grow crops? But fun!

Patrick St. Michel,

Fall Quarter has seen few amazingly cute animal videos to grace the Internet, but today that ends, with this video ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Sick of Starbucks on Sherman? Evanston has a lot more to offer, if you know which streets to seek.

Patrick St. Michel,

Crazy, crazy circus acts.

Patrick St. Michel,

Thursday's eating contest was part of Homecoming 2007.

Patrick St. Michel,

After every cute puppy video we post or uplifting e-mail story grandma forwards you, one might possibly believe the Internet ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Don’t tell PETA. I honestly don’t know why one would stuff all those pigeons into this space, other than to ...

Explore how ticketless fans gathered around Wrigley and still cheered on their Cubs.

Patrick St. Michel,

Hey, look, a comic about Facebook taking over our lives in the future! Poke joke equals stupid, but the last ...

Patrick St. Michel,

A bit of controversy over a recent ad for Marmite, a British spread. The advert features beloved children’s book character ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Think you’re a hardcore geek because you watch anime and bought an Aqua Teen poster at the poster sale? Wrong, ...

Patrick St. Michel,

In which we see how fast Cavemen is cancelled.

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Tonight, one of the most important moments in the history of television happens at 7 p.m. on ABC. Caveman, the ...

Patrick St. Michel,

This dominated my life over the past weekend. I’m sure it’s probably made the “check this out!” rounds by now, ...

Patrick St. Michel,

One of the most popular clips currently making the rounds on YouTube is of Paris Hilton’s recent interview with David ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I’m willing to wager a majority of people at NU have played Starcraft at some point in their life. Who ...

Patrick St. Michel,

If you find yourself bored and with a few extra sheets of paper around, consider creating a paper helicopter. Refer ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The Northwestern football team needs some help. After the last two weeks, the people I know who were excited about ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I’ve discussed the use of Post-It notes to create amazing works of awesomeness before, and here is even more proof ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Some of the most surprising, and a few disappointing, TV and movie spoilers.

Patrick St. Michel,

Bored of the penny, the comedy option in the currency world? Well, get excited for 2009, when one of these ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The quality isn’t amazing on this pic, but still a really cool concept. Some guy took the tallest building from ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Here’s an ambitious video. This ad for Erbert and Gerbert’s Subs and Clubs (never heard of them either) utilizes a ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Since people pretty much agree The Simpsons sucks now, there’s a good chance you missed last night’s opening sequence in ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I don’t know how many people reading this watch The View (fingers crossed it’s none), but if you missed this, ...

Meet the freshmen, who spent Tuesday settling into their new homes.

Patrick St. Michel,

Tired of setting up your dorm room? Need a break from your roomie? Sick of your Internet connection not working ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Arranging your room, drinking at parties and picking friends in this brave new world.

Patrick St. Michel,

Biggest news of the weekend? No, not the fact Dillo Day sorta sucked due to a combination of utterly terrible ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Summer 2007 looks to be pretty bountiful sonically, with a ton of great releases and festivals.

Patrick St. Michel,

Slate done did it. Today, they have a feature about cats on the Internet, and I feel it helps explain ...

Patrick St. Michel,

It has been a while since a cute animal video has been posted on Netplay, and I feel about time ...

Patrick St. Michel,

ABC, in all its infinite wisdom, has decided to run a show in the fall based off the Geico caveman ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The Simpson’s 400th episode is this Sunday, and to celebrate such an impressive feat in television, here’s a YouTube clip ...

Patrick St. Michel,

From the Beatles' concept album to BK's mascot, Mr. Lister takes a look at things that succeeded against the odds.

Patrick St. Michel,

I’m a cynic. Just read my posts, and you’ll realize I’m highly judgemental of nearly every facet of life I ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I’m a big fan of Star Wars, so this YouTube clip pointing out some errors in the original film is ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Everyone loves those cynical people who criticize every facet of a production/a show/a CD/life (right? right?). That’s why critics exist. ...

Patrick St. Michel,

JK LOL, only in Japan. That’s right, the Coca-Cola Company is taking a risk and giving away free pop in ...

Patrick St. Michel,

This video and its later installments have been getting a lot of attention online recently. Two disturbing things to note ...

Patrick St. Michel,

If doctors told you death was imminent, that you only had a short amount of time left alive, what would ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Wondering how fat the world is? Some webcomic makes visual representations of how bloated countries are. Not sure how much ...

Patrick St. Michel,

A brief history of rockers Wilco, belles of the A&O Ball.

Patrick St. Michel,

With the midnight screening of Spider-Man 3 a scant day away, it seems only fair to revisit the various representations ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Hey American troops, thanks for risking your lives in the face of suicide bombers and bullets! How do we, the ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The latest development in Google’s efforts to take over the universe — iGoogle Gadget Maker. The popular search engine/Internet powerhouse ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Will the Internet ever run out of cute dog videos??? Survey says – NOO! Here is a collection of America’s ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Our very own Mr. Lister counts down the top ten infomercial characters in TV history.

Patrick St. Michel,

As the Golden State Warriors sit on the brink of one of the greatest upsets in NBA playoff history, it ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I still remember the day I found out the person who voiced Bart Simpson was actually a woman. Caught me ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Note to men – Don’t visit this town in China, unless you really, really like some domination play.

Patrick St. Michel,

Two cute animal links in one day! Inconceivable! But this one has some significance. It somehow appeared on the front ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Baby panda bears tend to get the national media worked up more than usual. Something about the endangered animals fascinates ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The British band's new album gives "new rave" a good name.

Patrick St. Michel,

Guess who has a midterm tomorrow, and guess what is distracting him from studying for it!!?!?!?! For anyone with any ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Well, guess this is a good enough time for a debate about American commercials. If you’ve been living on a ...

Patrick St. Michel,

OK you wizard nerds and nerdettes, the official Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix trailer is out, and, ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Check out the top ten MLB giveaways this baseball season.

Patrick St. Michel,

Its has been three days since the tradgedy at Virginia Tech, and many people are still confused, angry and devestated ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Want to learn a new skill? Well, here’s a how-to video explaining the secrets of the Moonwalk! Dazzle your friends ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Slivka Residential College pulls out all the stops in an effort to win this year's SEED Green Cup.

Patrick St. Michel,

All this week, NU celebrated Sex Week, a time devoted to one of biology’s most sought-after actions, intercourse. We here ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Beerpong to the eXtreme!

Patrick St. Michel,

The new Bright Eyes album focuses too much on politics and religion, dimming the light on the singer's painful truths.

Patrick St. Michel,

Seriously, how did UC freakin Santa Cruz do this first?! Students at the school recreated a famous video game using ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The famous film locales of Los Angeles.

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Under the sea, under the se.....AHHHHH!

Patrick St. Michel,

Puppies, koalas and bunnies make this list of the top 10 cutest animal videos.

Patrick St. Michel,

Klaxons' Myths of the Near Future might not be the sound of tomorrow, but it'll do for now.

Patrick St. Michel,

A physics problem played out live.

Patrick St. Michel,

Patrick St. Michel goes to his first prom, involving a pinstripe suit, a bacon cheeseburger and a French maid.

Patrick St. Michel,

Two videos to waste your time with.

Patrick St. Michel,

A point-and-click adventure with a robot.

Patrick St. Michel,

Welcome back to Netplay, rested and tanned and ready for spring quarter. I was going to kick off our first ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Our writer gives you the scoop as the bracket for the 2007 NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament is announced.

Patrick St. Michel,

So, some guy at Stanford rapped about Unix commands. This is one of the nerdiest things ever. Check it out.

Patrick St. Michel,

Robots may not be people, but they deserve rights too. At least that’s what the South Korean government think, as ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Dancing milk cartons and bananas galore in this pointless but fun list.

Patrick St. Michel,

President Bienen summarized the developments on campus in his State of the University address.

Patrick St. Michel,

Worried you might get kicked out of NU unless you ace your Art History final next week? Stop reading this ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Ten tips for the thirty hours.

Patrick St. Michel,

Have you ever actually paid attention to the deaths suffered by video game characters? Well, here’s a compilation of vintage ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The former chief of staffs for Clinton and Bush discussed their jobs Tuesday night.

Patrick St. Michel,

If you didn’t notice, I’m not a fan of Apple’s recent “I’m a Mac, and I’m a PC” ads. Well, ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Sketch TV gets stretched out but stays funny in Reno 911!: Miami.

Patrick St. Michel,

Hey, the biggest Land of Lincoln related basketball news last night wasn’t NU actually winning a game! Nope, all eyes ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The epic rock-instrumental group's new album doesn't do anything for a stagnant genre.

Patrick St. Michel,

Not everyone gets candy hearts and roses on V-Day. Single and lonely? Mr. Lister offers sage advice to the forlorn.

Patrick St. Michel,

In honor of the Hallmark-approved holiday known as Valentine’s Day, here’s a very loving edition of Netplay. At first glance, ...

Patrick St. Michel,

So, I have two massive midterms tomorrow, and what am I doing with my time? Playing a flash game straight ...

Illinois beat NU Wednesday night, both in scoring points and filling the bleachers.

Watch Dance Marathon break the world record for most people dancing to "Thriller."

Patrick St. Michel,

If you read my Super Bowl Commercial Blog , you know I was quite taken by the Garmin “Maposaurus” spot. ...

Patrick St. Michel,

A nerd's snarky take on the game's ads.

Patrick St. Michel,

Janet Jackson, Whitney Houston, and Joe Namath before he was creepy

Patrick St. Michel,

Max Bialystock: Here’s to failure. Leo Bloom: …To failure. Drunk: Why, thank you! You’re very kind! Ironic, isn’t it? Director ...

Patrick St. Michel,

For all you fools who watch the Super Bowl “just for the commercials,” here’s a special sneak peek at one ...

Buckeye star and NBA draft prospect Greg Oden came to town this week. Hear what NU fans had to say.

Patrick St. Michel,

When video games imitate movies and movies imitate crap, you get the bloody awfulness of Smokin' Aces.

Patrick St. Michel,

Now, I’m sure Winter Waddleland at Norris is gonna be a great event (check it out this weekend), but, really, ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Of Montreal's new album sticks to 60's pop but throws in disco elements and some heartbroken lyrics.

Patrick St. Michel,

Here’s proof the deadly Big Mac-producing company McDonalds is trying to hypnotize you into buying McNuggets. The fact the Golden ...

Patrick St. Michel,

You know Orville Redenbacher, right? He’s the face behind Orville Redenbacher pop corn. He’s also been dead for more than ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Anyone who owns a Nintendo Wii (side note: haha, I got a Wii and you don’t!) knows just how fun ...

Photos and sound from the culmination of sorority recruitment.

Patrick St. Michel,

One south-campus carb-lover journeys north for fabeled bagels.

Patrick St. Michel,

The saddest moments on TV, from The Simpsons to Six Feet Under. Watch with a box of tissue nearby.

Patrick St. Michel,

Even though I’ve defended Pokemon quite extensively on this site, I think I would have been willing to never have ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Want to carry your iPod around in a case shaped like one of the most infamous internet shock sites of ...

Patrick St. Michel,

For Netplay’s first post of 2007, we are taking a look at one of the reasons the Internet is so ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The ten most memorable movie moments of 2006.

Patrick St. Michel,

Mr. Lister's hipster list of 2006 records you shouldn't miss.

Patrick St. Michel,

Out of retirement, Jay-Z's back on top with his new album Kingdom Come.

Patrick St. Michel,

What’s the best Christmas special of all time? A Charlie Brown Christmas, duh. And what’s the best song of this ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I was originally going to make a post about that whole UCLA taser thing, but who would want to watch ...

Patrick St. Michel,

With Happy Feet, a movie about a dancing penguin or Robin Williams or something, coming to theaters soon, I think ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Lots of excitement coming out of Kentucky Fried Chicken today! America’s favorite chicken chain has redesigned their Colonel Sanders logo, ...

We parted the red sea to talk to the heart of Buckeye Nation. Drunk fans within.

Patrick St. Michel,

In this week’s edition of “cute animals doing things…”

Patrick St. Michel,

For all you hipsters out there heading over to the Riviera tomorrow for The Decemberist’s concert, you may want to ...

Patrick St. Michel,

So, the holiday season is on the horizon, and everyone’s favorite singer-songwriter-geographer Sufjan Stevens has released an animated video for ...

A musical trio from Azerbaijan sang their hypnotic classical poetry.

Patrick St. Michel,

Finally, the question of if a McDonald’s Big Mac Meal will be torn up in a blender is answered. Appliance ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Nothing says Halloween more than a Jack-O-Lantern with a big ‘ol silly grin on the outside and a candle on ...

Patrick St. Michel,

There’s no way A&O Productions could come close to topping last fall’s Kanye West show at Welsh-Ryan Arena; Kanye was ...

Patrick St. Michel,

So, if your midterms grades make you want to burrow yourself into a hole for the next seven years like ...

Patrick St. Michel,

This is somehow featured on YouTube. It made me smile.

Patrick St. Michel,

Let’s state the obvious right away: Family Circus is so terrible you could throw battery acid on it and it ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Tonight at the McCormick Tribune Center, editor of The New Left Review Tariq Ali is speaking about imperialism in the ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Thanks to the fine folks over at my personal favorite website Pitchfork and freak folk artist Wooden Wand, all you ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Here’s something to brighten your mood after NU’s historic collapse.

Students from each class ate piles of cake Tuesday evening for a Homecoming competition. 16 contestants, 1 survivor.

Patrick St. Michel,

In a move just as shocking as Lance Bass revealing he’s gay, Jay-Z is officially out of “retirement” with “Show ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Most random generators on the internet are really stupid; do I honestly care what my “Brady Bunch name” would be? ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The internet has apparently frozen over, because I can’t find anything new to post on here. Because of that, here ...

Patrick St. Michel,

What hate could anyone have for an adorable kitten “playing” a keyboard?

Patrick St. Michel,

It’s time to catch up will all the exciting news from the world of artery-clogging foodstuffs! First off on our ...

Patrick St. Michel,

An intriguing concept; what if you composed a song just by uttering the names of the instruments you are playing? ...

Patrick St. Michel,

This is what YouTube is all about. It allows people to create videos like this. I don’t know where to ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Adding to the list of cultural classics being redone in India, Bollywood has now produced their own version of Michael ...

Patrick St. Michel,

So far, the dynamic of duo have explored ink blot tests and placed themselves in various moments in musical history, ...

Patrick St. Michel,

The last flash game I played where I had to carefully navigate something across a path, that demented girl from ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I’ve always found it odd that American television is enjoyed worldwide. I get a nice laugh thinking about episodes of ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Movies have a tendancy to overexaggerate certain fields. Remember the scientific classic The Day After Tomorrow? Well, has decided ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Is this the future of fashion? I don’t know. I wouldn’t wear one unless it displayed a never ending loop ...

Patrick St. Michel,

British electro-dance pioneers Basement Jaxx have already featured Bollywood, demented monkeys and JC Chasez in their videos, so what could ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Well, there goes another of my childhood heroes; Steve Irwin, more famously know as The Crocodile Hunter, died Monday morning ...

Patrick St. Michel,

By now, you’ve probably seen OK Go’s treadmill-hopping music video classic for there song “Here it Goes Again.” If you ...

Patrick St. Michel,

That’s Panic! At the Disco lead singer Brendon Urie performing at the Reading Music Festival. Just watch the first 40 ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Lesson learned from this video: Future broadcasters, remember, turn off your mic when you aren’t on screen. Otherwise, your praise ...

Patrick St. Michel,

Here’s a nostalgia rush for you! Any kid who had a passing interest in football and a Nintendo most likely ...

Patrick St. Michel,

I discovered this past summer that I have way too much time on my hands. In my vast stretches of ...