I, for one, welcome our new robot pets

    Though I love most modern technology (check out our Twitter, by the way), I still get terrified at the thought of some techno-innovations, like robots and Bluetooth headsets. So when North By Northwesterner John Meguerian sent me a link to this story about robot penguins, I became slightly creeped out. Watch a video of these robo-penguins here, though it gets all confusing near the end.

    Call me paranoid, but this advancement makes me fear a Stepford Wives future, except instead of suburban housewives being replaced with droids, it will be sloths. The carnage has already begun — just watch this video of a giant robot dog, and start drawing your own Blade Runner parallels.

    The real animals of the world aren’t taking this news well. This next video shows a terrified kitty facing off against a robo-puppy.

    Cats aren’t the only group scared of the future. This dog doesn’t take too kindly to an intruder dog.

    Not all hope is lost, though. The animals of the world aren’t hopeless in this fight against the future. They just need to rise up and battle the bots. They need to take this Doberman’s charge and fight back.


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