Let's celebrate the Lincoln Park zoo

    Today I found out where I’ll be living in Japan, an announcement that relieved my fear of ending up living on top of Mt. Fuji but also made me realize I have an extremely short amount of time left in Chicago. Sure, there will be tons of things I don’t miss — the stupid weather, the incompetent drivers, the El after 9 p.m. — but the Windy City is a pretty amazing place overall. Instead of typing up the cliche, “hey NU, Chicago is right over there, you should go there” piece, I’d prefer to zero in on one place — the Lincoln Park Zoo, one of the best zoos I’ve ever been to. And hey, it’s free!

    Of course, I’m way too lazy these days to go anywhere, so I’m relying on a much younger generation to come through for me. Thankfully, North by Northwestern staffers Dan Camponovo, Emily Chow and Matt Connolly decided to go down to the zoo to celebrate Mr. Connolly’s birthday, and snapped some great pics. So visit the Lincoln Park Zoo to see cute animals like these! And…they have a red panda, complete with stuffed red pandas. Do you need any other reasons to go?

    All images courtesy of Emily Chow.

    Photo by Emily Chow

    Photo by Emily Chow

    Photo by Emily Chow

    Photo by Emily Chow

    Photo by Emily Chow

    Photo by Emily Chow

    I didn’t realize they had cats at the zoo. Or maybe this is more unique than I think. Whatever, one more pic of it!

    Photo by Emily Chow

    And a different critter now…

    Photo by Emily Chow

    But wait, there’s more! These three also filmed a video of some monkey fighting one another. Good stuff, if you’ve come this far you have to watch it.


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