Photo by Nick Youngson, Licensed under Creative Commons.
"Even for people who do not have eating disorders, knowing the calorie content of food is not necessarily helpful."


Block #Problematic
Dance marathon does a lot of good, but it still faces criticism about its inclusivity.
Week 9 vibes
Students are pressured to achieve the “full college experience,” to actively pursue a concept that is left to them to imagine, but is undeniably influenced by Northwestern’s definition of success.
All Booked Up
wearing a mask
It's a privilege to attend Northwestern, but with every privilege comes sacrifice, especially for students from marginalized communities.
Maya Mojica / North by Northwestern
Stay woke
"We have the choice to use these powers to fight against injustices or perpetuate them ourselves."
Ryan Wagner
show me the money
Bid wars erupted on the A&O Productions Facebook page after some students were left without a ticket to A&O's Winter speaker event.
Creative Commons
Trouble in Paradise
...all I can do is feel horrible for the local Bahamian workers who were exploited during the process of creating this awful festival. It’s no longer funny to me.
Maggie Harden / North by Northwestern
(Bad) dick energy
Despite being SNL's youngest ever cast member, Davidson's jokes are a little too out of touch.
Carlyn Kranking
Frostbite express
With a wind chill of -50℉, you can get frostbite in just 5 minutes outside. This means wherever you live on campus, your Norbucks run is going to have to wait.
Democratic divides
@Copmala is conveying the message that these progressive candidates aren’t real progressives.
Creative Commons
Money money money
As you sink in your seat thinking about how you will manage to get all $140 together in the next few days, the final bombshell lands: there is a course packet full of readings for the class.
Creative Commons
Press Under Pressure
The similarities Bolsonaro shares with the American president are many, but lately one characteristic has been in the spotlight: his antipathy toward the press.
Rachel Hawley
Waiting by the phone
I went on CAPS' website to make an appointment, and nothing was available. I checked multiple times a day to see if anything suddenly became open, and it didn’t.
Joy Hsu
Get nasty
Going into a rally for the first time, I didn’t really know what to expect.
Wikimedia Commons
We need to do better
In order to change the culture around sexual assault, we can't excuse the past actions of one of the U.S.'s most powerful leaders.
Creative commons
Bet your bottom dollar
Why do Northwestern’s donors have such shitty priorities?

On The Blogs

This is not a study abroad blog
Despite Hannah's excitement for the great delicacies of Chile, she arrived to find her food bland and covered in the egg-y condiment.
Weekly One-Liners
This week people wrote about long weekends, Subway and the Oscars.
Fresh Frosh
One writer offers his take on the new IGNITE program, which was supposed to help freshmen through their first year, and suggests that next year NU should remix IGNITE.
Fresh Frosh
Freshmen might become discouraged during Winter Quarter, but they should focus on embracing failures, celebrating successes and waiting for warm weather.
Fresh Frosh
The quarter system is "an awkward tango of timelines."
Fresh Frosh
What is it about college parties that make them inherently more enjoyable than their high school counterparts?
Campus Loop
See how you can contribute to NBN's discussion under our changed comment policy and system.
Fresh Frosh
"A seven letter German and a nine letter Norwegian were forcefully joined on a 4 ½ X 10 legal birth certificate by a tiny, yet crucial dash."