Cute animals, NFL Divisional Playoff disaster edition

    So, don’t know if you missed it (hope you did), but the NFL Divisional Playoffs went down this weekend, and I pulled off the impressive feat of not predicting a single game correctly. Seriously, I should have lucked my way into one single right pick. Though, you would have needed a time machine to call that Arizona win. Look, respected ESPN columnist Bill Simmons also went 0-4! That’s what I’ll keep telling myself… Bill Simmons did it… Bill Simmons did it.

    To pay respect to the four teams I failed to choose this weekend, I’m going to feature the mascots of their teams in this post. First up, the Cardinals. Here, a mother cardinal feeds her two chicks. Pretend it’s Kurt Warner throwing passes to his young wide receiving corps, and you have a weak football connection.

    Next up: America’s favorite bird, the eagle. Though more majestic than cute, this clip shows our national bird making weird sounds.

    Now for a bird with a pretty bad reputation thanks to Edgar Allan Poe and death metal, the raven. Ray Lewis probably didn’t help much either. But this raven chick (filmed at bad angles) might change your mind.

    Finally, the Pittsburgh Steelers… who don’t have an immediately adorable mascot. They have this guy, but I think we can all agree he doesn’t belong here. I could just post this Simpsons clip, but that seems too easy. Thankfully, someone posted the following on YouTube.

    Check back later this week when I embarrass myself again by predicting the conference championships!


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