What the heck is a guanaco?

    Before tonight, I had no idea what a guanaco was. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, however, I now know a guanaco isn’t some strange hybrid appetizer but rather a camel-like critter that lives in South America. Say “Hello” to the guanaco:

    Picture courtesy of Trabita on Flickr under Creative Commons

    Picture courtesy of Trabita on Flickr under Creative Commons

    The guanaco population is estimated to be between 400,000 and 600,000. The guanaco has only two enemies – the puma and the Bolivian, who use the creature’s neck skin to make shoes (thanks Wikipedia for that tidbit). But if this video is any proof, the guanaco isn’t afraid to bite back.

    Yet, the guanaco is also a very chill creature. Here, he hangs out with some humans at a gas station.

    Some more fun guanaco facts: the guanaco survives by licking nutrients from cacti, the guanaco is an excellent swimmer and the guanaco apparrently is OK with dogs.

    Photo courtesy of Gerald Davison on Flickr under Creative Commons

    Photo courtesy of Gerald Davison on Flickr under Creative Commons

    These people really enjoy the guanaco, though I don’t know why.

    Well, I hope you’ve learned a lot about the guanaco, and now appreciate what a wonderful animal it is. If not, just stare into this guanaco’s eyes, and all will be revealed.

    Picture courtesy of tinyfroglet on Flickr under Creative Commons

    Picture courtesy of tinyfroglet on Flickr under Creative Commons


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