Death Cab for cute animals

    The fine folks at A&O Productions kept their superb college-concert streak strong, announcing today that America’s favorite sentimental dudes Death Cab for Cutie will play in the group’s fall show October 10. Think of how many photo albums there will be!

    Before you bust out your emo glasses and ill-fitting flannel, why not pump yourself up with some cute animal videos soundtracked by Death Cab. Given the Internet’s three primary moods (angry, sad, ROFL), it’s no shock Ben Gibbard and his band of emotional bros appeal to a lot of heavy web users who can’t afford therapy. So, it’s no surprise some good soul used the track “Someday You Will Be Loved” in an anti-puppy-mill video. The video isn’t completely adorable (I mean, it’s about puppy abuse, not much to smile about there), but a lot of the dogs are really cute, in a horrid, help-me-I’m-being-held-against-my-will-in-a-puppy-mill sorta way.

    Well that’s depressing! But not every video featuring Death Cab is a total downer. Nope, I found one video with legitimately cute and (I assume) well-cared critters backed up by… hey, it’s “Someday You Will Be Loved” again! Can’t the Internet use something from We Have The Facts and We’re Voting Yes?

    We also have a video featuring no cute animals whatsoever, unless you get the urge to hug sharks. But the five-minute “save the sharks” piece below does utilize one of Death Cab’s most sappy tunes, “Transatlanticism.” I’m not sure if you need any sharks “so much closer” to you, though.

    Finally, take a moment to appreciate a photo of one of nature’s most brittle creations, Ben Gibbard himself. He will posses your heart, NU.


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