Warning: Quite Possibly the Stupidest/Most Brilliant Video on the Internet Related to Pokemon

    Even though I’ve defended Pokemon quite extensively on this site, I think I would have been willing to never have Nintendo’s adorable wallet-draining monster franchise exist had I know stuff like this would be made. The idea: a live action version of the Pokemon cartoon. Sounds like a great idea, right? Right??? Well, uh….these videos truly boggle my mind. On one hand, everything about them is super stupid (seriously, watch these, I don’t know where to start), but I can’t stop watching them. Still, I wish these people had something better to do with their free times than dress up as Team Rocket. Here are two examples

    Pretty weird, huh? BUT WAIT

    Yeah, it keeps going. FOR AN ENTIRE SEVEN EPISODES. I can’t post anymore, for the simple fact my mind may melt. Though, to be fair, the girl playing Misty is pretty cute…

    And, as a bonus, here’s a clip from the Norm MacDonald’s sitcom Norm also taking a shot at the real-life Pokemon game. Better, but still sorta creepy.


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