Japan: Land of animals running train stations

    This blog has written (quite mentally, in retrospect) about Tama, the stationmaster cat, before. For those new to the party, Tama is a cat who technically is the stationmaster at a railway station somewhere in rural Japan. Tama wears a hat, waves at outgoing trains and sleeps in a glass box. CNN sums “super stationmaster Tama” up in this video:

    And who says cute animals aren’t major players on the global scene. That cat saved a rail company and a tiny town! President-elect Obama, get me an apartment in D.C., a box of hats and ten Corgis and I’ll make Wall Street booming again in no time.

    Since Tama has been such a smashing success, two other stations in Japan have adopted animal stationmasters. Sure, they might be knockoffs, but this isn’t Mr. Pibb territory – they are still adorable animals. Take Maron, the Yorkshire terrier/railmaster of Okunakayama-Kougen Station. This pup has the same duties as Tama, but actually one-ups the cat by wearing a much more awesome uniform. He has his own photobook available for purchase, and a must-see movie.

    Not nearly as endearing as either other furry stationmaster is Bus, the lazy cat. The wrong-form-of-public-transit cat runs a station in the middle of Japan, though Bus mostly just sleeps and blogs. Seriously, not the best work ethic for a four-footed station boss. This video focuses on Bus, but includes some footage of Tama and Maron as well.

    Still not convinced of the value of an animal stationmaster? Tama recently had an entire train designed in her honor. Video below.


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