Railway cat distracts me from writer's block

    Folks, insanity comes in many forms. Some people start yelling uncontrollably when they lose their minds. Others begin hallucinating. The worst get enjoyment out of that reality show with Tila Tequila. For me, mental breakdown comes when it’s 1:30 in the morning, I’ve listened to the new No Age album three times in a row and I’ve failed to make any progress on a big story due Friday. Instead of dealing with my current nutty state by running headfirst into the Rock, I’m turning to the Internet and, more specifically, cats that run train stations!

    That’s right. A cat has been in charge of a railway station in (where the hell else) Japan for a while now and, as the article notes, has become a big tourist draw, so they gave the feline a special promotion and his own freaking “office.” What does this kitty cat do exactly? Besides cough up hairballs and meow a lot, he waves each train out of the station. I’m not making this up.

    And yeah, Tama, as the cat is known, sports a super-awesome hat. What’s that, you want more videos of this high-ranking official who also happens to have whiskers? This story isn’t making any more progress, so sure!

    I don’t know what any of these people are saying but they interviewed the cat — oh my God, let’s see more.

    Wow, that frog rocks too. So yes, Japan may be the greatest country in the world because a cat can become the head of a railway station. I can’t wait to buy my ticket. Which could be any minute now if I don’t figure out a way to write this story. One more video!

    Thanks to Japan Probe for talking about this wonderful cat in the first place. And, even more importantly, thanks to lack of ideas, without you I’d write this story and maybe go to sleep before they start serving breakfast. Oh well, the cat had a hat.


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