Gone Greek: "Evasive Actions"

    Terrible confession time: I tend to watch Greek in a public location, on the Northwestern campus no less. I also tend to spend an unhealthy amount of time in an academic building most people can’t wait to flee so, as a result, I usually have the TV lounge of said building to myself. But the past few weeks, something strange has happened … people have actually been using the room. And, since I apparently have no shame, I still watch Greek.

    I raise this point to illustrate how weak parts of “Evasive Actions” were. I usually don’t care if others catch me watching Greek — yeah, I might as well be wearing a shirt that says “Have You Seen My Masculinity?” but I could pull it off ironically — but constant references to makeovers, sorority rivalries and “Mr. Purrs-A-Lot” made tonight’s viewing a bit more embarrassing than usual. Tonight’s episode felt … feminists, ready your tomatoes … a little overly girly / The House Bunny-esque. Greek usually does a good job (for a teen drama) of not being bent towards one sex, but failed tonight (the extended Ghosts of Girlfriends Past preview didn’t help matters). Maybe hearing Casey blurt the line “think of all the women who have held this kitty” while I sat next to a stranger just turned me off.

    To be fair, though, Take 5looks a whole lot more embarrassing than anything Greek has ever done.


    Jordan doesn’t really relate to any of her ZBZ sisters, mostly because she prefers playing poker to wearing pink (because girls and boys can only do certain things … or can they?????). Casey tries to keep her in the sorority fold, while also squaring off with Frannie and the rest of the IKI house in a game of dodgeball. Elsewhere, Rusty and Dale both attempt to avoid things that bug them, and as a result end up living life as shut-ins in their apartment. Thankfully, Rusty tries to change that … with sexy results.

    Representations of College

    - Historic moment tonight: Dale mentioned “Facebook.com!” The show has been extremely slow in actually mentioning the major college communication tool, so this is big. I can’t wait for the Twitter shout-out in season eight!

    - Kappa Tau hosts an “ampersand movie marathon.” So, any movie with “and” in the title. This is one of the better ideas for a college movie marathon I’ve ever heard, much better than “movies revolving around Dungeons and Dragons.” Yeah, that happened during my life.

    Bad Writing Round-Up

    - Not much bad writing this week (besides all the embarrassing stuff above) … only two really bad references. At one point, Jordan mentions how she went on a date with Andy to Olive Garden. “It’s really hard to be romantic with endless breadsticks.” Good product placement. Elsewhere … a Sanjaya reference? Really? Are we only weeks away from a William Hung cameo?

    Greek Tweet of the Night

    We have a special Twitter update this week … specifically, the official Greek Twitter. I don’t know how long this thing has been around (wait … it looks like 2007??? Was Greek on top of this way before anyone else? I take back the above techno-diss), but big ups to ABC Family for having it.

    Closing Question

    What’s your most embarrassing Greek viewing experience?


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