Classic NU ad: Good Thinking

    An advertisement for Northwestern has been making the e-mail and blog rounds recently, being touted as a “new” spot for our fair school. Well, take a look at the promo in question, and you tell me if you think it’s remotely new.

    Still not convinced this advertisement slopped into existence a long time ago? Here are the glaring reasons why it’s clearly old news:

    - Check out the football team’s uniforms. I realize nobody at this school pays attention to anything going on at Ryan Field, but it’s pretty obvious the unis in this ad are the team’s 90’s wear, what they wore to the Rose Bowl. In case you forgot, this is what the Wildcats sport nowadays.

    - “These days, our undergraduate and graduate academics aren’t our only nationally ranked programs.” What could this possibly be a reference to? Lets see, the setting is a football game, focus on football players and fans and cheerleaders…oh, I got it, Northwestern football. Remember, for a brief, brief period in the mid-90’s, the ‘Cats were a nationally ranked football squad. So, this ad clearly emerged from the womb of NU’s short-lived football success. We aren’t getting back to those days anytime soon.

    - Nobody says “carpe diem” anymore.

    With all the evidence laid out before you, it’s safe to say this ad came out sometime after the ‘Cats’ monumental run to Pasadena, but before their total decline into suckatude. So, 1996 or 1997. Still, even though this isn’t a new ad, it still sucks mighty hard, and really makes our school come off as real crapsacks. The funniest part about it, besides only having one girl speak the whole time and having her say the dumbest thing, is that no NU student would ever talk like this. Not enough clever lines about “awkwardness,” “poppin’ deuces” or the ever popular RTVF headline “I drink your milkshake.” Good thinking, gang.


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