Mac'in All Over the World

    If you didn’t notice, I’m not a fan of Apple’s recent “I’m a Mac, and I’m a PC” ads. Well, much to my dismay, the spots have gone global, and are showing up all over the world. A British version appeared a while ago, and now the Land of the Rising Sun has its own set of annoying Apple ads. Take a look:

    Same concept, same disbelief at why Apple would make the PC character seem so goofy and likeable when they are trying to sell Macs. I’ll admit, I kinda like the Japanese spots more. The guy playing the PC is just as nerdy (read: awesome) as John Hodgman if not more so, and the hipster Mac doesn’t come off nearly as smug as his American counterpart. Though he looks eerily similar to the star of Accepted. Though no facial stubbery is a plus.

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