Fluffy fun: The final post of the quarter

    The idea of a blog devoted to cute animals sounds really silly on paper, really stupid and immature and ditzy even. But, after a pretty strong quarter, I’m finally aware of the power of this silly little blog. It doesn’t change the world or even try to. I post pictures of puppies and kittens and mice in cups, and I hope people look at them and just smile. Nothing complicated. The world can be a really scary and mean and uncaring place, and trying to just get by in it is so hard. People can be cruel, the world can be unfair and life has a tendancy to shoot down faster than a rollercoaster car at the top of the hill, catching you off guard. But a video of a fat cat being dressed as a sailor…that is pure joy, covered in fur nonetheless.

    So, this was a good quarter. I love seeing comments where people just gush about feeling happy seeing a cat meow for two minutes straight. Today…today was not a good day for me. Tomorrow…tomorrow will not be a good day for me. Quite honestly…I have a lot on my mind heading into another quarter at NU. I felt really down tonight. Then I saw a video starring some extra fluffy pals, and it made me smile. And for a little bit, life felt OK.

    Yeah, they aren’t real animals, but they look like creatures that routinely make me smile. And this video is just so peaceful, so simple…and I like the song a lot (yeah, it’s Panda Bear, whatever). I smiled when I saw this, and that made me feel so much better.

    And I hope anyone reading this smiled at least once this quarter at a ridiculously cute critter. Because lord knows we could all use a smile sometime.


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