Dogs playing football (and looking to Saturday's game)

    Northwestern hosts 0-3 powerhouse Ohio this Saturday at Ryan Field, and for many bright-eyed freshmen (and possibly some slow-to-learn upperclassmen) this will be their first brush with the often soul-crushing entity known as Wildcat football. Sure, the squad stands to go 4-0 if they can beat Ohio, but all that will do is make the inevitable 6-6 season extra painful after we start playing real football programs and not “academic rivals” like Duke and Syracuse. Maybe having the Wildcats break my heart three straight seasons has just left be a bit doomy and gloomy.

    But I digress! To get you, Freddy and Fannie Freshman, pumped for your first Wildcat football game, here’s a short film of dogs playing football (I swear, no more Dogville Comedies after this one). If this adorable gridiron game doesn’t get you excited, you might as well sleep in.

    Bonus points if someone wears a bonnet or a top hat to the game Saturday. Double bonus points if you adopt those pooches’ classy demeanor and don’t chant “state school” in order to feel okay about making your parents sell their organs to put you through college.


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