Netplay's greatest cute animal moments

    I’m overjoyed that the Cute Animal Blog now exists. It has been a long time coming, and provides a service (smiles) I can really support. But, for every rainbow there has to be some ants who drowned in the rainstorm preceding it. Netplay, the oldest blog on this fair site alongside the Medill blog, officially must retire from the business of adorable animal related media found on the Internet. This used to be the blog’s schtick: along with all the random flash games and bizarre Japanese videos we culled from the darkest corners of the Internets, we would also always have cute animal videos. A week without a cat playing a piano was a rare week, to say the least.

    Now, Netplay can step aside and focus on everything else the Internet has to offer. But that doesn’t mean we can’t look back at some of the cutest videos featured on Netplay previously. So enjoy this navel gazing, and check out some awesome furry friends from yesteryear.


    The dog that started it all. Netplay’s first great cute animal post, and still my personal favorite. The cutest puppy I’ve ever seen.

    Shopping Penguin

    What makes this video is the penguin’s backpack – another penguin. That’s a level of adorable detail you can’t beat.

    Piano Cat

    Hate this video. I dare you, hate it. You would be a soulless monster.

    Penguins Modeling Clothes

    The Japanese sure love penguins. Weird. Worth it for the head bonking.

    Dog Popping Balloons

    One of the few cute animal videos to get me out of a bad mood. And now the future begins….


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