Creepy Commercial Alert: Zombie Redenbacher

    You know Orville Redenbacher, right? He’s the face behind Orville Redenbacher pop corn.

    He’s also been dead for more than a decade.

    But the fine folks over at the popping corn company named after him aren’t going to let a little detail like death stop them from using his visage in their ads. In this spot which debuted during Monday’s Golden Globe Awards, a CGI Redenbacher not only shills his corn, but also talks about “hip” stuff like “MP3 Players” and “Gigs.” There’s something highly scary about this commercial: maybe the fact Orville looks straight outta Night of the Living Dead, or maybe because his voice doesn’t really match his words. Take a look for yourself:

    Look for a 3-D Dave Thomas to start pitching Wendy’s hamburgers soon.


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