Mayor Daley's speeches: occasionally passionate, usually bland

    Whether or not you like that Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley will be Northwestern’s commencement speaker this year, seniors have to face the fact that they can’t do anything about it. But you can start preparing adequately, and I don’t mean stockpiling Everclear to pre-game commencement with. In the videos below, Daley shows he can be both impassioned and kinda funny. But still pretty bland.

    All you seniors can only hope Mr. Daley brings the same energy he brought to a press conference about wetlands, captured in a video below. The good stuff (okay, snoozefest) begins at the 3:30 mark.

    Most importantly, the mayor doesn’t quit. Just watch the video below, where he battles a croaky voice to deliver a speech more thirlling than that chase scene from the latest Indiana Jones. And hey, those balloons are our school colors, this is almost a preview.

    Hope those made you excited!


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