Happy puppies for optimistic times

    I was all ready to just absolutely hate this week, what with the fact it actually snowed (in April, I remind you) and that I have a legitimate history quiz tomorrow. Yet here I am, late Monday, not being a complete downer. The weather has gotten a lot better, Dillo Day news is sweeping campus and baseball season is in full swing (har har). Even though I haven’t opened the book I need to read by tomorrow if I hope to pass this quiz, I’m still feeling good and hopefully all of you out there are too. To celebrate, lets look at equally happy puppies! This one is freakishly happy, or just super puffy.

    These dogs are just having all sorts of fun.

    This pup’s chilling out with a toy.

    This dog seems to be having fun with what I presume to be a Webkinz toy. There are a lot of creepy Webkinz videos on YouTube, in case you were wondering.


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