Northwestern: overachieving, not dating, blah blah

    I don’t know if you’ve heard, but Northwestern is chock-full of smart kids. Yep, you heard me right! I got this info from “The U’s” short clip about NU, posted below. What “The U” actually is, I don’t know, but they’ve told me so much about NU I didn’t know before, I don’t even care. I now know we have a bunch of “overachievers” at our fine institute, and that there are “four quarters” (like a dollar!) and each one corresponds with a season. Hey, they showed me what seasons are! Thanks! And I didn’t know their was a lack of a “dating scene” either, but “The U’ and “crazy dancing chick near the end” let me know. And I can follow all this thanks to seizure-inducing camera cuts, Napoleon Dynamite-themed graphics and a rockin’ soundtrack!!!

    OK, sarcasm aside, can anyone try to say SOMETHING original and half-intelligent about NU, not just the typical “heh heh we are smart but socially awkward” tripe sputtered out by so many? I’m not denying these things don’t have truth to them, but they aren’t just cut-and-copy facts. They are dumbed down talking points aimed at parents wanting their kids to go to a good school but who don’t want to put much effort into it, and kids who like a lot of colors and extended shots of a kid doing kung-fu (what the hell was that???). And I don’t just blame “The U” for this, but also all the students speaking in these videos, who only refute these claims by adding no insight whatsoever into the talk, and playing right into what the producers wanted. YOU ARE ALL GUILTY.

    Wooooo, I need to calm down….hmmmm…..maybe…..

    : D


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