In which I attempt to make tapeworms cute

    The NBN blog system works in very strange ways. I finished up my latest Greek post last night and sent it in to be edited, but soon realized a large chunk of editors watch ABC Family’s college-centered drama. Feeling bad that I loaded up my post with spoilers, I attached a bonus: whichever unfortunate soul had this particularly-twist-filled episode ruined for them would get a Cute Animal Blog post in their honor, with an animal of their choosing. The brave Lara Kattan, who I was unaware watched Greek and may just be abusing this offer, stepped up and edited the thing.

    She requested a post about tapeworms.

    Being a man of my word, I began hunting down tapeworm pictures and videos. I will never be able to unsee what I’ve seen. Terrible, terrible things that will haunt my dreams for years to come. I may never be able to eat noodles again. Instead of being a monster and subjecting more people to these trauma-inducing creatures, I attempted to make the parasitic flatworm a bit more loveable on my own. Enjoy this comic:

    Hopefully you find tapeworms slightly more approachable now. Or, at the very least, hate them a little less than you detest my MS Paint skills. But wait, here is a bonus picture of a legitimately cute critter that comes up when you search for “tapeworm.”

    Ahhh, this little fella’ survived tapeworm! How inspiring.


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