Cryptic Dillo Day video posted on YouTube. Let's speculate aimlessly!

    With only 23 days left before the happiest day of the Northwestern year, Mayfest has been mum about which musical acts will be gracing Evanston for Dillo Day 2009. I mean, we have a pretty good idea of at least two of the performers, but Mayfest isn’t spilling the beans just yet. But the group did give a potential clue late Wednesday night via their Twitter (yes, everything has a Twitter) in the form of a video. Let’s watch this clip and try to make some crazy performer predictions based off of it!

    What have we learned from this video? Well, someone at Mayfest has Photoshop skills that range from pretty darn good to “when were The Decemberists showered in radioactive material?” Back on topic — not too much learned here. Considering that the majority of the artists featured in the video are either way over Mayfest’s budget or dead (sorry, Tupac conspiracy theorists), we don’t have much to go off of. But did you peep The Decemberists (they were the size of a blimp) and N.E.R.D.? Clearly some of the artists featured have potential to play Dillo Day, or else Mayfest is playing with everyone’s mind by teasing us with what we think we know. So, where to start? Lets look at the artists that really stick out (you know, like The Decemberists and N.E.R.D.) and speculate away.

    The two “I don’t think they would ever come, but you never know…” artists in this video are Estelle and Lady Gaga, who both have had mega-popular hit songs but who have only one or two hits. They are red herrings to the max — five years and a Celebrity Apprentice down the line you might see them, but for now they are pipe dreams.

    Sorta-kinda-psych rockers MGMT appear late in the video, standing next to Willie the Wildcat. The Chronicle had a word jumble thing from like a month ago that claimed the duo, along with The Decemberists and N.E.R.D., would play Dillo Day. Well, not so fast, because this blog says that rumor has been “smashed.” Who are we going to trust here, anonymous blog or The Chron? Probably neither.

    Finally, how about Regina Spektor? She pops up right after The Spice Girls/BK shot, and she definitely fits the bill of “I’m not sure who this is, thank goodness the photo used in this video is also the first one on Google Image Search.” Of all the rumored performers, I think this one has the most chance of actually happening: Students like her, she’s got catchy songs and, most importantly, she has a new album coming out in June that needs some promoting. Yeah, I’ve got nothing to go off of, but why would they include Regina Spektor in this if they weren’t at least entertaining the though of bringing her in?

    All right, enough from me. Get to rumor-mongering, people.


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