Whopper Sacrifice is no more...for now

    Burger King’s latest attempt at “edgy” advertising, the “Whopper Sacrifice” Facebook application, which rewarded you a coupon for a free Whopper if you “sacrificed” ten of your friends, is no more. Facebook disabled the fatty tool today after saying BK’s app violated users’ privacy. You see, every time you burn a chum away to move closer to a 670 calorie burger, said buddy receives an e-mail telling them you’ve sacrificed them for a $2.69 foodstuff. Facebook policy states, however, that removing friends is a purely private affair (i.e. it doesn’t appear in newsfeed, deleted friend isn’t notified in anyway, etc.).

    But don’t fret! This removal isn’t permanent, as BK is working on making the application work within the site’s parameters. Start friending a bunch of strangers so you can sacrifice them to the King a week from now.

    Bonus seven-minute video of the Whopper Sacrifice in action:


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