Haven't checked in with Facebook in a while!

    Have you ever gotten into a serious conversation with someone about Facebook? Like, talked about how it has all this social importance and will change the world and in twenty years we will go to Facebook for news and sports and everything outside of a sandwich.

    Don’t you hate people like that?

    If you said “no,” check in with the official Facebook blog where you can find all the ridiculous Facebook talk you crave. I haven’t been checking out all the teeny-tiny changes the social networking giant has made, so, here are a few quick changes you might have missed.

    - As society continues to become lazier and lazier, Facebook decided to jump on the no-work bandwagon and cut out the ever-annoying and complex “Save As” process required to get a new Facebook profile picture. Now you can just click “Make Profile Pic.” Convenient, I guess, but this just makes changing your pic too easy, which will lead to an avalanche of wishy-washy people changing pics on an average of eight times an hour.

    - Spanish Facebook! Muy caliente!

    - Oh, but Facebook was pretty proud of this global accomplishment, and in the very next post proceeded to congratulate themselves and the community for being so cool. The important thing to glean from this post – more language options coming.

    - People still bitch about applications? I thought we were in the “whatever” phase of application reception. Just let the people who hate them hate them and the people who love them bog their page down in Zombie Adventure Knight lolcat wars.

    - This isn’t on the blog, but why is it when I click “Friends” now I go to status updates and not profile updates? I feel Facebook logic dictates people would maybe put where they are or what they are doing at this moment. Unfortunately, in the real world, people put witty things like “is right behind you!” or “OMG PROJECT RUNWAY” or “tired.” Not helpful at all.

    - We get it, you like Barack Obama. You aren’t Obama, though, let me see your real face!!!

    - One day, I’ll review this new Beer Pong application and make lots of jokes about fraternities like “Bro popped collar Hundo” and “douche douche popping deuces Entourage.” Because I’m so creative, I wrote a whole post about random Facebook updates.


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