Weezer video features a lot of Internet fads

    I’ll leave it to the music blog to critique this song, but the fresh-out-the-kitchen video for rock band Weezer’s new song “Pork and Beans” has hit the Internet. The idea behind the video is…cram as many popular Internet fads as possible into a three-minute video. Check it out.

    If you don’t recognize all of those, you seriously have failed at being Internet-concious in the past six years. Weezer roped in some of the acutal celebrities for this clip (Tay Zonday, Numa Numa guy, Kelly) while referencing a gagillion others. Points for the G.I. Joe shout-out, but big deductions for a creepy dramatic groundhog and references to “Shoes.”

    My one question: no Rick Astley?


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