ASG candidates Facebook group comparison bonanza

    ASG elections are coming: Do you know who you are going to vote for? NBN introduced you to the presidential candidates, but, if you are like me and are turned off by “platforms” and “facts” and “Associated Student Government,” you need to find different criteria to judge these people on. I say, what better judging material than who has the best campaign Facebook group?

    Lets start off with Mark Crain, a Weinberg junior. Nothing extravagant over at his Facebook group, just an outline of his platform and a flyer featuring the word “you” a lot and his picture. Scroll down a bit, and you can see more of his flyer output, most of which are pretty straightforward, presenting his plans for NU, save for the pun-tastic “Leave Your Mark on Northwestern.” The most technological part of his page is this YouTube video of Crain talking to “you” about the concept of “you.”

    He’s got 184 members in his group, not shabby.

    Next up, Weinberg junior Blake Yocom and his group. He lost me from the first sentence (“You probably have met Blake Yocom at some point in your Northwestern career”) as I haven’t met Blake Yocom at any point in my NU career, though I don’t know how I could miss him since “he’s that guy towering down Sheridan at 6′3″ on his way to Evanston on a always fun night out.” The rest is harmless enough, just further reasons why he’s qualified and a link to his other website outlining his plans further. Pretty straightforward, nothing too daring here, though he needs to be docked major points for using the same picture and nearly-same text as his previous group, “Blake Yocom for Homecoming King.” I seem to be the only one worried though, as he has 322 members in tow.

    Weinberg sophomore Luke Adams is the mystery candidate, mainly because I can’t find a Facebook group in support of his campaign. Uhhhhh, if I’m missing something, please let the world know, because all my searches reap no sweet, delicious ASG fruit. Maybe he’s the new Dickie Humps.

    Weinberg senior (though his Facebook profile says ‘09?) Scott Burton is real! His group is the most simplistic yet, featuring only some text, a couple photos and 58 members. Very straightforward stuff. I would like to mention that the group page says he served in Iraq as a marine…that’s super impressive, my hat’s off to him.

    Finally, we come to SESP junior Neal Sales-Griffin, boasting the most loaded Facebook group of all. The team behind his group has the best grip on Photoshop of the lot (look, his face is in front of the NU logo. And a shadow!), and also a forgettable catchphrase (“NSG for ASG) but then again none of them are very memorable. What makes this group stand out is a collection of five videos, each one showcasing a student explaining why they will be voting for Sales-Griffin in this election. Definitely the coolest multi-media offered up by any candidate, and putting the focus on students is pretty neat, so big ups for having the coolest Facebook group. But “NSG for ASG?” Bleh. He’s got 214 members.

    So there ya go, Netplay’s completely thorough analysis of ASG candidate’s Facebook groups. Go out and vote next week, since this is your campus and all, and try to actually read up on the platforms put out by the candidates as that is a lot more important than who has the best photo selection. I’ll cheer you on as you make democracy, as I’ll probably be too busy taking a Statistics quiz to remember to eat, let alone vote.

    Update: When this post was first published, the author misspelled “Yocom.” NBN is very sorry about this and has corrected the error.


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