Love is swell: A collection of lovey-dovey videos

    Two categories of people who emerge on V-Day: either single-folks who bitterly put down the day, labeling it a commercial-driven monstrosity of a day meant to sell stuffed bears and chocolates, or couples who, while not overplaying Feb. 14, go out of their way to celebrate the day in some romantic way. Regardless of which side you find yourself on (go priors!), no holiday evokes such fervent emotions, and no other day on the calendar makes people feel so joyous or sad. YouTube’s full of V-Day gold today, so here is a collection of various videos made in honor of today’s heart-shaped holiday.

    First off, a video that reminds me of the Stevie Wonder song where he calls up his girl just to say he loves her.

    Another cute animation. I’m a fan of the “video box within a video box” idea at play here.

    Need a last second card for your lover/flame/crush/subject of stalking? Follow this handy video!

    And finally, something bizarre for all the folks who hate today.


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