Gone Greek: "Big Littles and Jumbo Shrimp"

    Apologies for this being late. I only was able to catch a few scenes of Greek this week. But instead of slapping together a so-so post singing the praises of Beaver (note: I came extremely close to doing this), I decided to try out an experiment this week. I decided to watch the poorly named “Big Littles and Jumbo Shrimp” at a Greek viewing party.

    Thankfully, it wasn’t an actual party (phew, human interaction avoided!). It was a viewing party hosted on ABC Family’s Web site. The channel doesn’t put up full-length episodes until two days after it originally aired, but they do allow anxious Greek fans a chance to still watch it via the aforementioned parties. All one has to do is create an account on ABC Family, and you can watch this week’s episode of Greek with a bunch of strangers on the Internet! So, does watching the show in a chat room enhance the experience?

    No. It’s basically like leaving Twitter on in the background, and every update you get during it is from an angry person complaining about the Internet. Maybe I just got a buggy party, but the majority of updates came from people raging against their bad Internet (“mine stopped”) before rallying against dorm Internet (“dorm internet sucks”). Most of the talk about the actual episode is a string of “hahas” or “i love cappies name [ :” though everyone in my viewing party agreed “frannie is a slagbag.” So yeah, nothing really revolutionary. Just a bunch of people watching TV on the Internet.

    Yep. Bet you wished I’d written that ode to Beaver now.


    The Kappa Tau pledges need big bros, and Rusty ends up with Andy, the guy who macked on the girl he really liked at the last house party. Rusty really doesn’t want to take on this responsibility, but also doesn’t want to turn his back on the one pledge he lobbied hard to have join the house. Somewhere else on campus, someone is stealing food from ZBZ, and Fisher becomes suspect number one, though Ashleigh can’t fathom it. In the most intriguing plotline of the night, Evan’s brother Patrick (who is a complete scumbag, of course, he is named Patrick) comes into town and gets his little bro thinking about his life. This leads to some big changes in his life (Hint: One involves a certain slagbag).

    Representations of College

    • The following words would not be spoken by a drunk mechanic, let alone a college student: “lush,” “fuddy duddy,” “the toots.”
    • Rusty wears an extremely ugly shirt at the second Kappa Tau party. I have seen much uglier shirts all over Northwestern’s campus. Heck, I own some of them.
    • Also, I’m going to take a moment to address something I asked last week regarding ice luges: I have been informed by the masses that, yes, ice luges are a common party item, though I’ve yet to hear anyone from NU step up and say anything about it. But, then again, I’m probably not cool enough to know about these parties.

    Bad Writing Round-Up

    • Rusty and Jordan share a moment about Ralph Wiggum (of The Simpsons), leading Jordan to quote the cartoon character. It’s never a good idea to take jokes from another, better show and talk about it in your show.
    • Near the start of the show, Casey asks where all the Fruity Spindles (I think) have gone. Actually, that’s not bad writing, that’s brilliant.

    Greek Tweet of the Week

    “first rule of avoiding disappointment… lower your expectations… Oh Cappie!” Thanks serenduckity!

    Closing Question

    To quote my editor, “Where is Dale?”


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