Monkeys riding dogs

    Anyone who watches Sportscenter at an unhealthy level has seen the famed video of a monkey dressed as a cowboy riding a dog at some sort of rodeo. Apparently, NBN staffers Spencer Kornhaber and Emily Vaughan don’t watch ESPN that much, because both of them sent me a link to said primate riding collie video. Such old news. But, still adorable.

    Still, the two inspired me to see if there were any other videos of monkeys riding dogs. And boy, did I strike gold. Check out this vid of the same monkey promoting tacos.

    Another monkey riding a different dog.

    But monkeys aren’t just one-trick ponies (see what I did there?). They can also ride all sorts of other animals, according to YouTube.

    And a monkey riding a four-wheeler. Is this an industry?

    Finally, this doesn’t actually involve a living monkey, but it still blew my cute meter up.

    Special thanks to Spencer and Emily who, while not savvy of Internet trends, are awesome people who inspired a sweet post.


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