Stories by Emily Vaughan

Emily Vaughan,

The toilet paper's cheap, so where's our money going?

Emily Vaughan,

Before you even hit finals, find out how your summer will be.

Emily Vaughan,

You’ve worked soooo hard all week. So what better way to relieve all your stress than go to an apartment ...

Emily Vaughan,

Our psychic predicts your life this week and takes aim at a few groups while she's at it.

Emily Vaughan,

Northwestern and health officials discuss the difficulties in predicting violent threats on campus.

Emily Vaughan,

Find out where your life is headed the week of April 23 to 29.

Bentley Ford, Emily Vaughan,

Two writers respond to a Sex Week lecture on media depictions of gettin' it on.

Emily Vaughan,

A sex company comes to NU with some playful toys and tips as part of Sex Week.

Emily Vaughan,

See into the future with horoscopes for the week of April 9.

At Norris, students made bears, monkeys and other stuffed animals to give as gifts.

Players served and volleyed Monday night at the Norris table tennis tournament.

Anna Waigand, Emily Vaughan,

The American Plan, about the tortured path to the American dream, opened tonight at Shanley Pavilion.

Dagny Salas, Emily Vaughan,

A month after its release, our critics duke it out over the long-term merit of Justin Timberlake's FutureSex/LoveSounds.