Take a trip down the Red Line

    You’ve worked soooo hard all week. So what better way to relieve all your stress than go to an apartment party and chug ten glasses of jungle juice, wash them down a couple cups of the champagne of beers and fall into bushes on your way home?

    Wrong. As much fun as it is to get so smashed you don’t even remember having fun, there’s plenty more to do outside the small confines of our dear university’s halls. And no, I’m not talking about wandering into Evanston.

    We live in Chicago, people! (Well, close enough). This is a city the size of Manhattan, and we’re lucky enough to be within shooting distance of the Red Line and all its luxuries from two baseball stadiums, the Mag Mile, Chinatown and one of my favorite neighborhoods: Belmont.

    Ok, for all you squeamish straight guys (I know you’re out there), yes, it is very close to Boys Town. Yes, that means there are a lot of gays, and that if you walk too far down Belmont Ave., you will see giant rainbow sculptures protruding out the sidewalk. But Belmont is a neighborhood for everyone.

    There is shopping for everyone, with odd novelty stores selling books of Bush quotes, posters for every stereotypical college dorm room (COLLEGE anyone?), and those shot glasses and bumper stickers ripe with witticisms such as “One tequila, Two tequila, Three tequila, Floor.”

    If inane souvenirs aren’t your thing, I guarantee that you’ll find something you’ll like at one of Belmont’s numerous sex shops. Taboo Tabou and Egor’s Dungeon flank a corner, offering everything the sexually obsessed college student could ask for, from crazy flavored lubes to edible underwear, to BDSM accessories. For the more sophisticated shopper, a short walk will take you to Tulip, a sex store designed for women. Tulip guarantees satisfaction, since all employees are required to try out every product. Yes, that includes every dildo.

    There are restaurants all over the neighborhood, but check out Standard Indian Restaurant. Despite it’s assuming appearance, it’s Zagat-rated. The buffet style lets you try a bunch of different Indian dishes, all of which are great. Pay special attention to the things that look like overgrown hush puppies. They’re to die for.

    So, next time you’re wondering what to do to maximize your play time, stray a little farther afield. There is more to Northwestern than Evanston. Take advantage of it.


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