Gone Greek: "Move on Cartwrights" or ooops!

    Unlike the seemingly always-available characters on Greek, I have classes to contend with during the week, which explains why this post comes so late. Sorry, midterms hammered down on me this week, forcing me to miss the broadcast and drop $1.99 on iTunes for this week’s episode. I’m sure you’ve already mulled over the latest episode, but I’ll drop my two cents in quickly. Definitely the best episode of the second season thus far, as Rusty’s surprisingly engrossing story of awkwardness, combined with the launch of several new story lines, made for a captivating episode. No need to dwell, lets get right to the good stuff.


    The ZBZ house seems to be leaving the social swamp, as the “second-hottest” fraternity on campus invites several members to a dance. Frannie suggests they have a mixer with Omega Chi (the hottest frat), but Casey doesn’t like the idea one bit. Ashleigh convinces her to talk to the Omega Chi president anyway, for the good of the house, a plan that goes awry when Evan answers the door. After Ashleigh realizes Casey never actually talked to the president, she talks to Calvin, who helps convince the house to throw a mixer with ZBZ (much to Evan’s dismay). Casey hopes to avoid Evan, but the two end up working as “party patrol” together, and they get in a fight. Much drama ensues. Elsewhere, Rusty and Dale go on a double date, which goes great for Dale but bad for Rusty. He gets another shot with his girl of choice. He becomes immensely clingy, and scares her off. Much awkwardness in the middle. But a glimmer of hope at the end!

    Also, Cappie is sick, and Rebecca takes care of him. A Reba joke is the highlight here.

    Representation of College

    - The entire Rusty storyline absolutely made an awkward kid like myself shiver, since I’ve been in the horrible situation of coming on strong in the past. There were moments I had to sort-of skip ahead (thanks iTunes), because I wanted to help the poor kid, but knew I couldn’t save the fictional boy in the TV. As engrossing as it was, I hope they never have anything like that, because I might break out into a cold sweat.

    - Along those lines, I’m glad a white board ended up playing a pivotal part in it all. Now that’s college, where relationships are made and broken with dry erase markers.

    - Glad to see the writers get so much mileage out of acknowledged sexual innuendo this week, using the ol’ classic Moby Dick as a jumping off point. I may be 20, but sexual innuendo still gets thrown around like in junior high.

    Greek’s Bad Writing in Action

    - “More like boring games.” Ohhhhhhhh, now this truly sucked big time. One of the worst lines uttered this season, by a mysterious ZBZ sister who appeared several times in the episode. In this quote, she’s talking about board games. And how unfun they are. I’ve heard “your mom” jokes with more thought put into them then that. And somehow, minutes later…..

    - “Lets Scatter some Gories” went and topped it in the badness department. Even a Lamborghini could have a corpse in the trunk.

    Closing Question — We meet everyone’s parents next week. Another gimmick episode, already? Also, will I be able to see this week’s episode Monday? Nope, blame Tokyo Police Club!


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