Dog spelled backwards: canines who worship

    Call up Mike Huckabee and tell him to tap immediately into this trend if he wants a shot at being elected. I speak of course about dogs-who-can-move-paws-into-a-prayer-like-position videos on YouTube. What inspired this? Not the Word of God, silly, this video from a Japanese news program, courtesy of the fine folks at Japan Probe.

    First, do the Japanese really consider this news? But whatever, it inspired me to see if this tiny pup was alone in his faith, and I hit up YouTube. First result:

    Uhhhh, OK, not what I had in mind and I didn’t need to watch a dog eat food for a minute straight. But thankfully, actual praying dog videos do exist.

    Much better, even if the best part of the clip is the couple’s Bible Belt accents.

    Better, better.

    Alright, pretty good, but highly creepy. Very…unnatural.



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