Fast Food Week in Review

    It’s time to catch up will all the exciting news from the world of artery-clogging foodstuffs! First off on our heart-healthy journey is Carl Jr’s/Hardee’s Burger Slayer website.  The fast food chain implores customers not just to eat their burgers, but to “attack and destroy it.” So, if you have any inclination to look at pictures of people tearing hamburgers apart, here you go.

    Next, we head to an Evanston favorite, Burger King. This week, the chain debuted a new spot for its triple Whopper burger, featuring a man slithering around like a snake and de-hinging his jaw in order to consume the beefy treat.  It also uses some of the sexiest music I’ve heard in a fast-food ad.  Here you go:


    Finally, the big announcement out of BK this week was the announcement of X-Box 360 games starring the creepy King himself. With the purchase of any value meal, you can pick up one of the games for $4. Rejoice world.


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