Cats playing all sorts of instruments

    Dogs got all of the attention a few hours ago; it’s time for talented cats to curl up in the spotlight. I stumbled across this video of a cat playing a theremin. Note the kitten’s bewildered face.

    Now, I use the term “playing” very liberally, since the above feline doesn’t perform on the teremin as much as paw and bite the thing in a fit of confusion. So cats can’t actually operate instruments, but they sure can look cute scratching away at them!

    This cat is a little better. Maybe it’s the owner’s cheers of “good boy” that motivate him.

    How about drums? This cat makes use of certain home fixtures to rock out.

    This cat is slightly more refined, opting to play a harp.

    Next, a cat playing a synthesizer. OK, that’s a lie, more like a cat sitting on a keyboard with weird music coming out of a speaker.

    And, to close this out, a video of a cat matched to a techno song.


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