Looking at the NU YouTube channel

    At Netplay, we freaked out about NU’s announcement of a Northwestern-centric YouTube channel yesterday. The possibilities for online gold, especially stupid Northwestern stuff, now seemed bottomless. I’ve been spelunking the channel for the past 24 hours, and have my initial reports all ready to go.

    Shame my initial reports are so boring. The channel right now is, unless you are in to older gentlemen wearing bowties talking about global warming, about as thrilling as an antless ant farm. The “arts” category obviously appeals to a certain crowd, but I’m willing to wager a large chunk of NU’s community doesn’t get aroused thinking about classical cello performances. I don’t know which direction the school plans to take the channel, but here’s hoping they try to integrate more student produced stuff into it alongside thrilling panel discussions and violin recitals. That would be a true Northwestern channel.

    The noteworthy stuff? There are a few old ads for the school floating about, but, thanks to the recent “OMG NU MAKES ADS THIS IS HILARIOUS” flu hitting up every blog somewhat related to this campus, it isn’t that huge a find. Here it is anyway, becasue it is miles away the most interesting thing on NU’s beloved channel right now.


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