Rays of cute, or baseball venting post

    For all you souls smart enough to not be following the MLB playoffs (or who gave up after the Cubs got humiliated), my beloved Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim got axed out of the playoffs by the Boston Red Sox. Whereas a rational human being would accept the situation and move on, I’m brainstorming on how to destroy Boston on a budget. Such is the mind of a baseball fan.

    Since I can’t find any cheap explosives, I’m just going to use this post to celebrate the animal representative of the Sox’s opponent in the ALCS – the Tampa Bay Rays! Manta rays may not immediately equal cuddlble, but if you put your mind to it they can look sort of darling.

    Look he’s smiling! Or preparing to eat you. Nobody said every animal here would be a cute gimme’.

    This ray just wants to give this diver a big ol’ manta hug. Or devour him. Stay upbeat.

    Impressed/scared yet? They can also fly.

    Clearly, the Tampa Bay Rays should be the team you root for. Or else giant manta rays will “hug” you to death. And, to drive home the point Boston sucks, look what crimes they do to their pugs.


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