It's Earth Day, so let's help animals out!

    I don’t know how you celebrate Earth Day (checking out this movie isn’t a bad idea), but if you take a minute out of your busy day and feel like doing some good, you could donate some money to worthwhile animal causes! Hey, you gawk at them all the time, might as well throw a few bucks their way.


    Yeah, yeah only hippies yell “save the whales.” Cliché, yes, but one of those clichés only real jerks stick to.

    Don’t know what happened before, but go to Save the Whales Again! to help out whales.


    Photo by mikebaird on Flickr under Creative Commons

    Photo by mikebaird on Flickr under Creative Commons

    I always get bummed out when I realize people used to hunt these fuzzy guys. Who could hurt an otter?

    Help them out at Friends of the Sea Otter!


    The video says it all. Go to Save the Tiger Fund.


    We just recently showcased them, but a little repetition never hurt anyone.

    Head to Orangutan Foundation International to help out.

    Red Panda

    Photo by Adam Foster | Codefor on Flickr under Creative Commons

    Photo by Adam Foster | Codefor on Flickr under Creative Commons

    This blog’s personal favorite. Go to Red Panda Network to help.

    Want to help even more animals? Can’t make up your mind which critter to contribute to? Then visit the WWF or the Humane Society to help. Happy Earth Day!


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