Cats with hearts on them

    Valentine’s Day is coming! People with love in their life, rejoice! Everyone else, try not to be too depressed. Since I’ve fallen into the latter category, oh, my entire life, I’ve gotten really good at distracting my mind from the depressing reality I live. Cute animals always do the trick! Especially cats with hearts.

    Thanks to Japan Probe for inspiring this with that video. It appears a lot of other cats have similar heart patterns in their fur…just look at this one.

    This is the same cat as above, but the little guy is still awesome.

    The next kitty trumps the others by having three heart markings.

    Ok, this last cat doesn’t have any heart markings on it, but the thing is so darn adorable, my heart is melting. Or maybe I’m just desperate to avoid the abyss of loneliness. Whatever, cute kitten.


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