Spidey over the years

    With the midnight screening of Spider-Man 3 a scant day away, it seems only fair to revisit the various representations of the Webbed Wonder over the years. First off, lets start with one of the most classic cartoon openings ever, the theme from the Spider-Man cartoon.

    Revisiting this, you gotta admit — whoever wrote those lyrics wasn’t super-creative. I mean, seriously, they basically just rhyme whatever came to mind and called it great. Still, a badass opening to say the least. Flash forward to the 1990’s, and check out the opening to Spidey’s last cartoon incarnation.

    You don’t know how much I miss that cartoon, and how it dominated my Saturday mornings back in the day. But America’s most beloved web-slinger wasn’t just restricted to the world of animation! Nope, he also had a live-action series in the late 60’s/early 70’s. It made a lot of people’s Stupid Sense tingle, but the intro has a pretty sweet saxophone in it.

    What better place to conclude than the one country in the world that, when not creating googly-eyed crime fighting adolescents or feminine cats, can take American creations and sully them immensly. Hi Japan! Usually, a popular cartoon falls into the hands of some pervert, gets a few tentacles drawn in and wham!, you got yourself hentai (I’m holding this against the Land of the Rising Sun until I can find a way to burn the image of Bugs Bunny passionately embracing Daffy Duck out of my head. Don’t ask how I stumbled on it…..). So, of course, the Japanese gave Spidey the Power Rangers treatment. Words fail. Watch this clip.

    Please….explain what just happened. You could win a Nobel medal if you could summarize that.


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