Gone Greek: "Mr. Purr-fect"

    Though not the strongest writing device around, one-off characters can add a special spice to a television show. Greek features one-time characters frequently (see: last week’s parent episode), and this week saw the introduction and departure of Shane, Casey’s latest post-Evan crush, who looked eerily similar to Prince Caspian. In the end, Shane vanished into the sunset after accepting a $1,000 bribe from Evan to stay away from Casey (long story), joining the likes of Calvin’s dad and that high schooler Casey slept with.

    So, consider this post dedicated to the one-time characters of Greek. Because, even if they only mix up the plot a little, they still become a commentary on university life, a time when students meet tons of people who come in and out of their lives. Really, most of the people a typical student meets at college are just one-off characters. Except most of them don’t look like characters from Narnia.


    ZBZ holds its annual fraternity competition event, where they pit frats against one another in various events, cumulating in the “Mr. Purr-fect” pageant. Casey, Frannie and Rebecca place a bet on who will win. Casey’s team features Shane, a guy she quickly develops a crush on. Evan, who still clearly has feelings for Casey, becomes jealous of her involvement with the athletic hunk. Rebecca tries to motivate the Kappa Tau house to win the event, and Cappie assigns Rusty to be her assistant. The two don’t fancy one another, and clash constantly. Calvin goes on a date with Ashleigh’s French TA.

    Representation of college

    - The ZBZ mascot, Pussy Willow the Cat, is the perfect balance of entendre and stupidity to represent a college-kid-created mascot.

    - I might be wrong on this one, but tonight marked the first time a character on Greek used the term “tool” to describe somebody. For a word I hear on a daily basis (I’m in Medill, after all), I’m surprised it hasn’t been featured on the show before. Now they just need to use “libes” and I’ll be content with the show linguistically.

    - Pizza trumps all at college. The episode got that right.

    Greek’s bad writing in action

    - “I haven’t seen you this perky since we tried on push-up bras,” uttered by Ashleigh to Casey. I mean, do I really need to explain these things anymore?

    - “I’m no longer majoring in Cappie or Evan” — Courtesy Casey. Get it? She’s in college, but using academic terms to describe her personal life. Hilarious!

    Closing Question: Do you think Prince Caspian will be any good?


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