Animals eating ice cream

    Photo courtesy of lovz2boost on Flickr under Creative Commons

    Tomorrow isn’t just another boring Tuesday – it’s also Free Cone Day at Ben & Jerry’s. All you have to do is show up and you get a free cone of delicious ice cream (and make a small donation, if you have any sort of heart). Stingy college students of the world unite, tomorrow’s diet will consist of nothing but Chunky Monkey and dollar burgers (another great deal, but you really should know that one already). To celebrate, let’s watch animals eat ice cream! First, a dog licking an ice cream cone.

    It’s important to note at this point that dogs probably shouldn’t eat ice cream on a regular basis. That can only end badly. How about a cat this time?

    This bear is supposedly eating ice cream. I can’t really tell, but I trust YouTube titles.

    One last dog eating ice cream. Except this guy gets angry when people try to get in his way.


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