Gone Greek: "The Great Cappie"

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    The latest episode of Greek centered around two things: The Great Gatsby and personal relationships between the major characters. The prior served mostly as a plot device, nothing more than the basis for both the party central to the episode and the bleh title. The latter, though, was huge, as every major relationship between the characters got some attention, with some mutating over the course of this week’s show. This episode set up a lot of the conflict we can expect to see over the course of this season, so snaps to the writers (they even made the do-something-already Cappie-Casey relationship interesting again). I only have a few gripes with this edition of Greek (not enough Dale and the dialogue seemed especially horrible this time), but otherwise “The Great Cappie” illustrated why this show is currently the number one downloaded show from iTunes – great interaction between the characters. Onto the summary!

    Quick Episode Summary: “The Great Cappie”

    Life at ZBZ under Lizzie remains stressful and un-fun, as the national chapter representative makes the girls run drills constantly. More and more sisters are starting to leave the house, though, and Casey begins to worry. She suggests the house throw a party, but Lizzie only allows it if there is no alcohol and the party follows a Great Gatsby theme. Casey reluctantly agrees. Meanwhile, Calvin finds himself immensely bored since he left Omega Chi, and Rusty invites him to rush Kappa Tau. But Evan wants Calvin back at his fraternity, and urges Calvin to come back. Casey meets with Cappie, and tells him she wants to start over with him as friends, and also if he and the KT house can house the party, featuring a secret “prohibition” room where people can drink and hang out. Calvin visits Kappa Tau, but still isn’t sure if he will join, especially since Evan continues to try and woo him back to Omega Chi. The Gatsby party begins, and everything runs smoothly until the dean of the university shows up, invited by Lizzie. Casey keeps him busy, but police eventually arrive based on a tip from someone in the Greek Task Force. Cappie distracts the cops while other partygoers hide the booze in the “secret” room and make it appear to be a Gatsby reading party. Nobody gets in trouble, except Cappie, who stole a police golf cart to confuse the police. Calvin decides to stay in Omega Chi much to Rusty’s dismay, taking it as a sign he prefers Evan to him. The two become tense, but agree to stay friends outside the Greek scene, although Rusty seems very angry about his friend’s decision. The episode ends with Evan and Cappie getting into a stare down (Evan reported the party to the cops), with Cappie declaring “it’s on” to his foe.

    Representation of College

    - I doubt the process of leaving a sorority is as simple as saying “later” and walking out dramatically. There has to be at least a form or two to fill out.

    - Call it excellent detail on the writer’s part or just pure pathetic-ness on my part, but when Calvin said “movies are all I do these days” since he left his major social-circle, I felt a twang of pain personally. To keep it simple, I’ve become a regular at Cinemark 12 since the middle of Winter Quarter. A nice touch.

    - I don’t know whether the writers are just lazily falling back on stereotypes or they hit the truth with Casey’s claim that good parties must have “alcohol and boys.” I want to believe college students aren’t so simple, but my time at NU makes me lean more towards Casey’s declaration being true. That, and the fact the “secret” party during the “lame” party actually looks extremely boring, and the only reason anyone is there is to drink and talk with the opposite sex.

    - Hey, a Built to Spill poster! The first sign of “college rock” existing in Greek.

    - The idea of a “1920s” party seems really played at first, but the Prohibition twist, complete with secret drinking room, is actually the coolest idea for a party theme I’ve heard in a very long time. Much better than any of the Facebook events I’m currently invited to, that’s for sure.

    Greek’s Bad Writing in Action

    - “It’s like I’m living ABBA.” One of Dale’s only lines has to be extremely dumb, since I don’t know how you “live” a band without being in it.

    - Without a doubt, Cappie and Rebecca have the worst dialogue between characters on the show. Everything these two say to one another sounds like a line a writer tried way too hard on to sound more “witty” and “clever.” A few choice lines from the couple’s romp in a car: “Gear shifts have GOT to be the number one weapon in the fight for abstinence.” “It’s like we are secret sex spies.” “We can’t be seen together, it’ll blow our cover.” Any couple that talks like this in real life should be shipped to the arctic, where nobody else has to endure such painful simile and metaphor.

    - Behold, the worst exchange in Greek history:
    Evan – “Rusty, I hear a lot of buzzing, but no actual words. I guess that’s what insects do, they buzz around and try to sting you. Be careful insect.”
    Rusty – “Some insects are quite deadly. The tsetse fly can kill you.”
    Uggghhhhhhh, I feel dirty transcribing that. Props to Rusty for at least sounding stupid in the line’s delivery, as opposed to super-serious Evan.

    - Just….really bad writing this week in terms of dialogue. Far too many examples to fit in this space, maybe I’ll write a book one day.

    Closing Question – Who’s side are you on, Cappie’s or Evan’s? Also, do these people ever go to class?


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