Gone Greek: "From Rushing With Love"

    Well, Jesse McCartney isn’t just a new actor on Greek; he’s now one of the dominant story lines for this season. In case you missed it, the singer/songwriter/actor I didn’t know existed until last week plays the top football recruit at Cyprus-Rhodes that every frat on campus really wants as a pledge. He’s also the show’s new tool for grabbing viewers who still sometimes cue up Dream Street tracks when they are feeling nostalgic, a market I’m sure is larger than I think. But this isn’t pure exploitation on ABC Family’s part — Jesse McCartney clearly knows how to market himself, and knows by getting on the Greek train he can reach a whole bunch of new people. And that he can get commercials for his latest album on during the commercial breaks (as he did — twice! — tonight).

    Since the rest of tonight’s episode was pretty average (take everything that made last week’s episode great and cruise with it), let’s get to know Mr. McCartney a little bit better by watching some of his best work. I use the term “best” extremely liberally, of course.

    Jesse McCartney somehow got Ludacris to feature in “How Do You Sleep.” What is the world coming to???? This is worth watching just to see Luda standing on a moving car, though.

    Think Jesse McCartney can’t be made hip? Electrohouse remixers MSTRKRFT did a remix of his song “Leavin’.” Now you can like him ironically!

    And finally, McCartney’s wicked version of T-Pain’s “Buy U a Drank.” I like how he sings the line “I’m T-Pain” completely seriously even though he is not, in fact, T-Pain.


    It’s Rush week, so ZBZ is going gung-ho about getting recruits into their fold and making sure they don’t go to IKI house. Rebecca keeps up her mole work for ZBZ, but Casey starts having doubts about her allegiance as things start swinging in IKI houses favor. Elsewhere, Rusty is determined to get Andy into Kappa Tau, trying to convince Cappie that the house should pursue the potential-pledge vigorously. Cappie disagrees, saying “karmic synergy” will determine all. Rusty doesn’t buy this, and also believes Cappie isn’t treating him like a real member of the house yet.

    Representation of College

    - Sororities take Rush very seriously. In other news, Chicago is windy.

    - I’m not the hardiest partier in any way, but even a social basement-dweller like myself has doubts about “ice luges,” or chunks of ice you pour alcohol down into the mouth of some guy. This can’t be a common thing, right? Please, prove me wrong and make me feel even less cool.

    - How many college students actually appreciate a The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants reference? Especially some of the obscure ones they pulled out later in the episode.

    Bad Writing Round-Up

    - “Yay, coalition of the willing!” Ashleigh says this after Casey and Rebecca agree to do…something, I don’t remember. I think we can leave the George W. Bush jokes in the past.

    - I can’t decide whether the short “young Leonardo DiCaprio aside” was stupid or brilliant. I’ll just put it down here anyway, just to be safe.

    Greek Tweet of the Night

    “Watching Greek. Jesse is on there. He’s a douche in person but I love his music. Just finished eating. Scott Michael Foster is a hootaay!!!” Thank you simplyabbey!

    Closing question

    Did you know Jesse McCartney was the voice of Theodore in the CGI version of Alvin and the Chipmunks?


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