Dogs remind us of what fun is

    Midway through midterm week, and I’m guessing most Northwestern students who just haven’t given up on studying are feeling the burn of spending countless hours at the library. This is never a fun time, so I think it would be nice to remind everyone of what fun is, as they catch up on readings they’ve put off for four weeks. And what better way to do that then via dog videos? First, a dog who finds simple pleasure in rolling down a hill.

    Many students take the vast amounts of snow Evanston seems to always contain for granted. I am one of them, and I will never change my ways. But boy, this dog seems to be having a lot of fun in it!

    This weiner dog really wants a beer (says the video title). We busy college kids can relate, am I right?

    And of course, what’s more fun than a dog shredding up a half-pipe on a motorized skateboard?


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