Random animal post-a-palooza

    So many great pieces of animal media, so little time. Since I can’t come up with a better theme (I’ll stay away from any more election talk… for now), I’m just going to show you some random cute animal videos I found today. No tricks here.

    First, from the cute-animal leaders over at Cute Overload, a video of a miniature horse on the run.

    To continue with the non-cat-and-dog idea, here is a three-minute clip of some cool looking birds hopping around on some dude’s hands.

    The hot Internet trend I’ve noticed at the moment (based on e-mails, Facebook and Gawker) seems to be this puppy webcam. If you haven’t had the privilege of watching some precious pups live online, you now have no excuses.

    Moving from the Internet to the TV set, we have a couple of interesting animal shows to keep an eye out for. The first, from PBS, is about clever monkeys.

    And over on Animal Planet, we have this gem of a program entitled It’s Me or the Dog. The show seems to be about relationships undergoing a strain thanks to a pet. I guess they can’t show Jeff Corwin re-runs all day long. The commercials for the show are inspired by Curb Your Enthusiasm, a show I really need to watch more of.

    Finally, a fat cat getting stuck in a box. I won’t spoil the ultimate joke, but pay attention to what the box is labeled for a bonus laugh.


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