Invasion of Privacy: Texts at Unicorn Cafe

    Correction appended

    Don’t get me wrong, anything that gets people to stop yapping away on their cell phones in public is a plus for society. But do you ever see someone texting away and wonder “what are they writing over there?” and become annoyed because you’ll never know? Sure, it might be something as banal as “call me later,” but it could also be a really interesting, awkward or hilarious comment. My life isn’t that interesting, so I decided to eavesdrop on your lives.

    Every week, we go to a different place in Evanston and ask people what they’re up to. This week, we hung around Unicorn Cafe and asked folks what the last text message they received was.

    Production by Eunice Lee / North by Northwestern.

    Updated 4/17, 8:25 p.m: Corrections were made for grammatical purposes. Thanks to commenter Janice Dickinson for pointing out the error.


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