Random collection of animals to get you through midterms

    It seems far too early in the quarter for midterms. But I have one tomorrow, and I’m sure they are about to spring up for even more people in the next week. Great times to be a student. Since these checks and balances facts aren’t going to learn themselves, tonight’s post is a little brief — here are a few cute videos I haven’t covered from the past few days. YouTube has seen a recent surge in adorable movie clips, so lets get caught up. First up, a puppy not scared to play with a much bigger dog.

    Continuing with the theme of “more than one animal,” check out this dog takin’ care of a bunny.

    Who knew American Government class could be so tiring? This is what happens when you are a senior with no academic drive left. This cat falls asleep in an awkward position.

    Equal representation for dogs falling asleep.

    Last but not least, a kitten, featuring your usual lullaby-like soundtrack.


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