The Internet doesn't always win or another Rick Roll

    Rick Astley Rick Astley Rick Astley. I bet you are absolutely sick of hearing about him or the concept of “Rick Rolling” by now, but this may actually make you feel better. The New York Mets asked fans (on the web!) to select a new eight-inning song, and the funny folks online (on Fark) chose “Never Gonna Give You Up.” The Mets aren’t as dumb as you think, instead taking the top six, playing them at the games and seeing which gets the best crowd response. Genius move, since most normal people in this world of ours aren’t sniveling nerds who get great joy out of irony. Here’s video of the Met’s fans booing the hell out of Rick Astley’s only hit.

    It’s tough to remember, since we live on a campus full of techno-geeks who know all the hip online trends and aren’t afraid to discuss lolcats at length (I include myself in this), that most people don’t really follow any of these bizarre trends on the Internet. They just hear Rick Astley and, instead of screamin’ and shoutin’ like a big old ironic lunatic, they do what any rational individual should do – boo him since he sucks. Maybe that’s what growing up is all about – realizing not all things 80s should be ironically celebrated, but heckled ruthlessly.

    Thanks Deadspin for posting all this first.


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