Gone Greek: "Guilty Treasures"


    Yikes, this might have been the most flat-out depressing week of Greek yet, and worst of all, Max might be out of the picture for good. At the end of the episode, he accepted a one-month internship at Oxford (in England). What other reason for this turn of events than to write him out of the show? I can see this happening through “they extended it, I’ll never see you again peace out” or maybe even the M.A.S.H. “his plane got shot over the Atlantic, there were no survivors” path. Or, maybe most likely, Casey and Cappie will just grow close again and Max will be pushed out of the picture. Sigh. So, this is a preemptive moment of silence for the best character on the show. You will be missed…unless the writers do the right thing.

    (Also, I found out just why I like Max so much tonight: he’s Greek! There aren’t a ton of great Greek celebrities to rally behind – what, Sufjan Stevens and Michael Dukakis? So us folks of Greek heritage need every hero we can get. And, if IMDB is to be trusted, the actor who plays Max is in fact of Greek descent. Score one for the good guys!)


    Life sure does suck for the Cartwrights! Rusty tells Andy about his kiss with Jordan, which turns his little brother and Jordan against him (while also drawing the ire of Cappie and his sister). Oh, he also gets arrested. Casey, meanwhile, works on getting Max a one-month internship at Oxford by sneaking him into a party so he can meet the professor in charge of it. When her plan works, she gets all sad because Max will be gone for a month. Everyone else in the Greek-verse seems OK. Ashleigh works on “going public” with Fisher, while Rebecca works on her lesbianism. Evan learns to chill out, too.

    Representations of College

    - A friend who I watched part of tonight’s episode with (who shall remain anonymous, go transparency!) told me frat members actually do take the blame for their bros when they find themselves in hot water. Hey, I’ll take my mystery source’s word for it.

    - Maybe I’m just blinded by my journalistic training (insert laugh track here), but when Casey says telling the truth to make yourself feel better “is selfish,” I think that might be one of the most backwards statements ever. Isn’t the truth always better than being lied to? Especially in a situation where a girl might be cheating on her boyfriend? Maybe Medill just brainwashed me.

    - Gay marriage has been legalized in more states than Massachusetts and Connecticut, Greek writers. Pick up a newspaper.

    - Don’t know where else to put this, but tonight’s episode featured an awesome song by power-poppers Army Navy. This is important, because they didn’t have the “featured music” bit at the end of the show.

    Bad Writing Round-Up

    - I gave Greek some major props for not making a Katy Perry joke last week. Well, they gave in! At least they had the sense to follow up the obvious line with an observation of how stupid her song is.

    - Kappa Tau stole a football from the athletic department after their famous game in “the Porcelain Bowl.” Har har.

    - Right after that, Rusty says he’ll go with Andy “for athletic support.” Double har har.

    - There is also a joke about KY Jelly. Suffice to say, it wasn’t good.

    Greek Tweet of the Night

    “It creeps me out that Casey and Rusty are brother and sister in Greek.” Thanks to CaseyScottGates for making this her second Tweet ever.

    Closing Question

    Who wouldn’t want to see Weird Science, that movie rocks!?


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